I've used Ubiquity for years on the network side and have Ring installed for cameras since I needed an actual monitored alarm and was already paying the annual fees. Ring is simple enough to use, the cameras are decent quality and there are lots of wired and wireless options for them.
I used Logitech's Circle cameras for a while but their batteries were complete trash in the cold winters. At least Ring has a wired option where it's possible to get cable/power to them.
The issue with the cheap consumer stuff is you don't always know who makes it, where they are actually storing your videos and if they understand software and network security (answer.. they don't). Eufy, for example, is made by Anker. They have been trashed repeatedly for bad security including finally admitting that none of your pictures/videos are encrypted and, at one point, could be easily viewed by anybody using VLC. They did finally join HackerOne's bug bounty program so maybe they are taking things more seriously now.
Ring isn't necessarily any better... they have, for years, been accused of turning over video to the police so your doorbell cam is effectly spying on the neighbourhood.
And of course, we drive Jeeps made by a company that seems to think that manual transmissions need computers and software so we are already screwed....