With the solar panel, you don't need power but depending on how far this location is from wifi, you could use a repeater to extend your signal. I've been looking into this for Cindy's garden as it's out of wifi range. And I should note, the solar panel works really well. You only need about 2 hours of direct sunlight to charge it fully.Seems like the eufy covers a larger area at night vs the trail camera. I have a clearing I've seen several deer but the tactacam doesn't seem to cover the whole thing like I'd like. No wifi nor power there.
One other thing that I like about the S330 is that you pan and tilt it around 360° so that you can look around the area and it even has an 8x zoom. It even comes with 4 presets that you can select and be able to see them with a simple click. Here's a shot that I just took now.