Florida Wayalife Members

Has anyone wheeled at big cypress bear island? I'm only an hour or so away and I'd be down to wheel there if we can get a group together
Has anyone wheeled at big cypress bear island? I'm only an hour or so away and I'd be down to wheel there if we can get a group together

We were out at Loop Road and Janes Memorial yesterday..........They've closed most of Bear Island ORV traffic......and they raised the permit fee to $100 i believe.......it's their indirect way of keeping us out.

Jeep Loop Road.jpgLoop Road Gator.jpgLoop.jpg

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HEIMDALL_TJ and I try to get down to Hard rock once at least once month so just let's us know and we can try to join you.
We were out at Loop Road and Janes Memorial yesterday..........They've closed most of Bear Island ORV traffic......and they raised the permit fee to $100 i believe.......it's their indirect way of keeping us out.

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I guess bear island is out of the question then.

By the way, anyone in and around miami skilled at cutting fenders? I'd love to cut mine but don't have the means nor skills to do it
In case anyone was wondering how we righted the jeep that rolled at the Hardrock run here is the video. One winch at the top of the hill lowering, i'm the winch at the bottom of the hill out of frame pulling, and it is also strapped to the adjacent tree.

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In case anyone was wondering how we righted the jeep that rolled at the Hardrock run here is the video. One winch at the top of the hill lowering, i'm the winch at the bottom of the hill out of frame pulling, and it is also strapped to the adjacent tree.

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I do not have Facebook. Is this on YouTube?

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In case anyone was wondering how we righted the jeep that rolled at the Hardrock run here is the video. One winch at the top of the hill lowering, i'm the winch at the bottom of the hill out of frame pulling, and it is also strapped to the adjacent tree.

Nice recovery. Well orchestrated and great communication. I look forward to wheeling you and the rest do the NE Florida WAL crew. See you Sunday.

So the question is did the kid drive off? How much damage?


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So the question is did the kid drive off? How much damage?
Seemed to startup and drive fine but we suggested that he just flat bed back to jacksonville to play it safe. They were already planned on camping out anyways. We went ahead and towed him to the entrance since he was too shaken up from it all to drive stick.
As far as damage goes both fenders were bent up pretty good and the drivers side door hinge was thrown out of alignment(door wouldn't close). Good time to get some aftermarket fenders! The stinger that was on his jeep kept it from rolling completely over and another 100ft down the next hill. At the expense of that the stinger had folded up completely vertical still protecting the grill and hood.
Lucky to have a great group of guys happen along who knew what to do to help. Hats off to you.

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Jeepers working together to help another.. love it. Nice work

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If anyone is planning on heading out to Hard Rock again, my husband and I would love to join! We live very close actually, never knew it was there!
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