Fire in California

History is cool.

Do they teach that the Santa Ana winds have been around for 5000 years (earliest records found) or possibly longer?

Or have they brainwashed the tards they seem to be churning out of their school system that it is all because of climate change.

I'm convinced that with all the media showing proof that this was all because of democrat policies, the fact that there have been many devastating fires over time and the majority still continued to vote for democrat policies that exacerbated this, it is easy to convince the sheep that they could do nothing about it because you know, climate change and they had to do everything in their power to protect the fire fuel bush or some other inconsequential thing.... NOTHING will change and they will continue to vote for the next absolute useless "fix".

Yet, when there is the same "must protect" flower or creature in an area where they want to put windmills, solar or dig for lithium, they are all about stating "it will not impact" or they are taking samples to move or replant and all will be fine.

In the case of "green", the destruction of the environment does not matter because of the $$$$$$ it will generate, not save, generate.
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