End of Summer - East Coast Uwharrie Run

I just got off the phone with the hotel and will be sending out a PM this evening to everyone on both lists providing specific info. If you're not on one of the lists and would like to be, please let me know.

To follow up on this, after doing a little research, the "group rate" I was given wasn't exactly the greatest. We could actually book through some of the hotel websites for cheaper. I'm going to call back tomorrow and try and get us an actual deal. I would imagine that they would have given me a better rate stating that we would be booking around 20 rooms. Let me see what else I can do and I'll let everyone know the progress!
To follow up on this, after doing a little research, the "group rate" I was given wasn't exactly the greatest. We could actually book through some of the hotel websites for cheaper. I'm going to call back tomorrow and try and get us an actual deal. I would imagine that they would have given me a better rate stating that we would be booking around 20 rooms. Let me see what else I can do and I'll let everyone know the progress!

Thanks man for going all through all of this to put this run together.
Trevor you have managed to put together a MASSIVE run. Strong work buddy.

Thank you sir, but all I did was post up an idea. You all are the ones that are coming together to make this a great turnout! It's somewhat bittersweet knowing that I won't be in my own rig, but it will still be a good time. :honey:
I just found out that IVe to go to Florida that week so I'm going to have to bail. But I did sign up as a maybe for the pre run. I think I can make that.

I sure hate to miss out on what looks to be am epic get together!
This is getting HUGE! Noticed I'm not on the list yet. Can you put me down as definite?

Put me down as going for sure!

I've got you both down!

I just found out that IVe to go to Florida that week so I'm going to have to bail. But I did sign up as a maybe for the pre run. I think I can make that.

I sure hate to miss out on what looks to be am epic get together!

Sucks to hear that man! Hopefully you can make it on the pre-run or another run this year!
Sending out PM's about hotel information now. I am only able to send out a PM to 5 people at a time, so you will get one this evening. If you do not receive one, please let me know.
Sending out PM's about hotel information now. I am only able to send out a PM to 5 people at a time, so you will get one this evening. If you do not receive one, please let me know.

Trevor I just got off the phone with nick. Room is reserved. Thanks again bro for all your hard work on this. This trip is going to be epic.
Put me down as a maybe, this sounds like a good time. A JKUR with 35s and 2.5 inch lift (no rock sliders) should make it through most trails there, right?
Put me down as a maybe, this sounds like a good time. A JKUR with 35s and 2.5 inch lift (no rock sliders) should make it through most trails there, right?
From what I have seen of Uwharrie you should be good to go just about anywhere.
Put me down as a maybe, this sounds like a good time. A JKUR with 35s and 2.5 inch lift (no rock sliders) should make it through most trails there, right?

You'll be good. Pretty sure Daniel is the hardest trail and it will more than likely be optional.
Sending out PM's about hotel information now. I am only able to send out a PM to 5 people at a time, so you will get one this evening. If you do not receive one, please let me know.

Thanks Trevor!

Appreciate the PM and the making this happen for all of us!
Below is some more detailed information about the trails. For those of you that have never been off road I hope to be able to use Uwharrie's training course to demonstrate the basics before we hit the trails.


The park features 8 trails that will challenge any level of driver and vehicle. The trail system ranges from easy to difficult and features a wide variety of terrain. The majority of the trails are made of up red clay soil and is spattered with various outcroppings of exposed rocks and boulders. There are also a good number of hill climbs and enough mud sloshed about to keep you on your toes. Some of the highlights of the park are Dickey Bell (the longest and most widely varied trail at 3 miles total) and Daniel (which takes honors as the hardest trail with its intense switchbacks and steep hill climbs), and the mud holes near Art Lilley campground. The trail system offers something for everyone and every experience level. One thing to note, however, once it rains in the park...the trails can get nasty quick...and some of the easiest trails quickly become rather nasty. If it rains, please ask a staff member which trail group you should ride with, they'll be happy to help.

The official location for this event will be at the Uwharrie Offroad Training Center directly across from the Eldorado Outpost on Hwy 109.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Uwharrie National Forest and activities available in the surrounding area, visit the UNF Recreation Guide.

*USDA -- Forest Service Nondiscrimination Statement*
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.



Difficulty: Hard
Length: 2 Miles
Daniel is famous for it's 2 switch-backs. Running this trail from Rocky Mount Loop is easier because you will be going downhill through the switch-backs.

Dutch John
Difficulty: Hard
Length: 2 Miles
Dutch John features a wide variety of terrain including clay, slate, quartz, and sand stone. One of the more difficult sections is a very steep hill climb.

Rocky Mount
Difficulty: Hard
Length: 3 Miles
Terrain on this trail consists mostly of rolling clay hills. One very difficult area known as Kodiak, also called Kodak Rock, is a famous spot for a photo op.

Slab Pile
Difficulty: Moderate
Length: 1 Mile
Short but fun trail with many rocky sections. Also includes a small rock garden area with medium to large size boulders.

Dickey Bell
Difficulty: Moderate
Length: 3 Miles
This trail features a wide variety of obstacles and varying terrain. Some of the key points on the Dickey Bell trail are the hill climbs and rocky sections.

Falls Dam
Difficulty: Easy
Length: 2 Miles This trail is one of the easiest trails at Uwharrie. Features of this trail include rolling clay hills and beautiful scenery. Great trail for the beginner.

Saw Mill
Difficulty: Moderate
Length: 1.5 Miles Typical trail at Uwharrie. Characterized by sloping terrain laced with varying degress of scattered rocks.

Wolfs Den
Difficulty: Easy
Length: 1 Mile
Characterized mostly by rolling terrain with the occassional outcropping of rocks. A good beginner trail which is easily navigated in a stock Samurai.

Info taken from http://www.zuwharrie.com/trails.php
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