So, since this thread got bumped, I thought I would share what I've tried doing today.
1. I once again swapped the tail light out of our new Gladiator and popped it in our old one. I cleared DTC and took it out for a spin. And, what do you know, the tail light worked great!! No error codes, no blind spot unavailable - it just worked... until it didn't. For the better part to the morning, I was convinced that I had gotten things fixed but after the first error, it came back and to stay. Totally sucks.
2. Against my better judgement, I gave into all the hype about how deleting the auxiliary battery was the cure all koolaid and did just that. And... son of a bitch! Everything seemed to work... until it didn't
As I've stated multiple times now, the passenger side turn signal is the ONLY problem that I still have.