Critter Tread - Trapping

I recently found out how to make GIFs quickly on my phone. Here's a couple weeks ago when they heard the mouse squeaker. Definitely got their attention. Sadly they didn't pursue. Trap and squeaker about 8 feet in front of them. There is now two blind traps where they were dancing around too.

I had one i shot right in the sweet spot. 3 times. Fucker was still hissing. Don't underestimate.... Hormones like a pro bodybuilder .
Way back when the hides were still worth something I used to hunt them with a buddy from work.
They can tear a dog up in the blink of an eye and then come at you next.

More like a hormonal teenage girl on PCP and you just called her fat.....
I used to have a pet raccoon when I was in high school. Had a local that was actually the only guy licensed by the game commission to raise them and I got a baby. I had to bottle feed her for awhile. Awesome pet. Smart as hell. Lots of funny stories. Driving around with her in my truck was the best. Chicks dug her
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