Critter Tread - Trapping

2 nights now I've seen him going through the woods here. I had to really zoom last night to make sure it was a yote. I scoped out the area this morning and found a small game trail there that I didn't see before. Needless to say, another trap set there and moved the camera closer. Got the new call yesterday. Hoping to use it in the next couple of days as well.

2 nights now I've seen him going through the woods here. I had to really zoom last night to make sure it was a yote. I scoped out the area this morning and found a small game trail there that I didn't see before. Needless to say, another trap set there and moved the camera closer. Got the new call yesterday. Hoping to use it in the next couple of days as well.

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nice roadrunner (y)
Do you have chickens or other small animals he may be after?
Here's the story. I have a small property bordered by full unmaintained woods. Great place (insert trump meme). We see deer from time to time. I install these game cameras in December and unleash full fucking Narnia on my property . We got everything including leprechauns and I never knew it. Once I realize the deer potential, so do the yotes. I just want to preserve the deer. So here we are. The naive thing would be to just ignore it, but the responsible thing is to take these fuckers out. They're here for the fawns. My neighbor has chickens. My son and I were our today blasting the coyote call and the chickens didn't give a fuck. They likely won't last long. Persistence will win.
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