CrippledPetey Build Thread!!

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Seems you're asking a question you'll get an answer too if you keep reading the build thread :thinking:


You could ask why I got a rubicon and "saved" tons of money in the long run lol.

Let me know which you prefer :yup:

Why did you waste all that money on a rubicon just to replace everything but the transfer case and sway bar?

Another update from my dealer:

All visual inspections look good, compression is "within range" they wouldn't give me numbers, intake looked ok. I asked what's next and they said they have no interest in rebuilding / fixing this motor and have recommended replacement. Chrysler told them they should have a decision tomorrow. I'm not so sure it will be tomorrow but I'm hoping.

Good luck! I hope they do right by you.

Here is the email from Chrysler.
Thank you for your email. I have spoken with *** at the dealership, who advised that she has opened a case with our corporate engineers for assistance with troubleshooting. I will update you further as more information becomes available. Have a good weekend, *****.

Here was my response to them.
Have a good weekend? I have not had my jeep for two weeks now and still have no information. What is going on? I am trying to be patient and understanding but at some point those will run thin. How long does this process take? I've done everything you guys have asked and still I have no resolution. You had me drive my Jeep burning oil over and over (over 2000 miles) causing more damage than needed and now I have to wait to see if you determine whose "fault" this is. I feel like kindness and customer service are parting ways here. I thank you for being kind but when will the customer service start? You have a great weekend driving your Jeep.
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Wow! It's funny how they push things aside and take their time when they are not right in front of you... :/

Sorry Jason hopefully it's fixed soon.
Well I stopped by my dealer after lunch. Spoke with my service manager. She said its just waiting on Chryler Engineering to give a response. No one can do anything or speed anything up. She walked me through the timeline and said the best-case scenario is as follows.

She gets approval today and places the order. The motor would at their location on Tuesday and prepped for installation on Wednesday. Based on that she expects two days installation and testing. So Friday would be BEST-case scenario.

After that she said please do not think we will have a best-case scenario. Her personal estimate was the following Friday at the earliest if she get an approval. She didn’t feel Chrysler was in a hurry on this one. I have been looking to see what time frame they do have to provide a work estimate in the state of CA but have not found anything definitive…yet.

I hate this BS :banghead: :tantrum: :cussing::cussing::cussing:
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