CARNAGE!! Let's See Your Best Breaks & Trail Damage

not me, but a fellow Rhode Islander from jk forum up at the Maine jeep jambore. I don't THINK he'll mind sharing :D:
wayoflife said:
Here's a shot of JeepCachers's factory rear drive shaft after he barber-poled it :D

Wait a minute, everyone on the forums say they run the factory shafts, wheel hard and not have any problems?? Wtf? :)
ChrisB said:
Wait a minute, everyone on the forums say they run the factory shafts, wheel hard and not have any problems?? Wtf? :)

I haven't broke anything at the mall or on QWERTY Canyon. ;)
Nothing impressive ... but this one I thought was funny ... I somehow ended up with a puncture from a Gerber buried nose deep in my tire
Joebot13 said:
Nothing impressive ... but this one I thought was funny ... I somehow ended up with a puncture from a Gerber buried nose deep in my tire

That might be god saying get some new tires :D
There are a lot of things you can break on the trail and still get back to pavement with a few trail fixes - a broken sector shaft isn't one of them. You break it and you're up a creek without a paddle, that is of course, unless you have a spare. Changing one out on the trail is a lot of "fun". Took Mel from Off Road Evolution and I both working on it at the same time still took about 3 hours to do. Once broken, the remaining shaft is a real pain to remove especially without damaging the seals or bearings.

Our PSC help keep our sector shaft from breaking for over 3 years so, it did it's job well but, when you keep pushing things, they can and still will break.

Even though I have a Sector Shaft brace I believe I will add a sector shaft to my parts box. Thank you for the idea Eddie.
Here's something you never want to see - motor oil that looks like a venti cafe latte...

BRAINS!! Never a good thing when you get 9 quarts of oil out of an oil pan that normally holds 6...

These were shots taken from Trail Buds JK after he hydro-locked it out in Monache Meadows. :crazyeyes:
wayoflife said:
Here's something you never want to see - motor oil that looks like a venti cafe latte...

BRAINS!! Never a good thing when you get 9 quarts of oil out of an oil pan that normally holds 6...

These were shots taken from Trail Buds JK after he hydro-locked it out in Monache Meadows. :crazyeyes:

We need a second thread for all Doug's breaks
wayoflife said:
:cheesy: you know, i could have but, i liked the idea of feeding this thread with new material from time to time :D

Well lucky you have enough pictures from Doug to keep this thread going for a long time
I'll add to more R&P. Heres my Yukon 4.56s in my D30 on my Cherokee. 35"s ripped them apart in the snow.


Also unlucky me got to experience the overtightened fill plug on my AX15 from the previous owner..

I'll add to more R&P. Heres my Yukon 4.56s in my D30 on my Cherokee. 35"s ripped them apart in the snow.

Also unlucky me got to experience the overtightened fill plug on my AX15 from the previous owner..

Oh man, those are some good breaks - the fill plug one just wrong!! Thanks for sharing :thumb:
Oh man, those are some good breaks - the fill plug one just wrong!! Thanks for sharing :thumb:

I know and all this was happening within weeks of the start of last year. Other breaks along with those was my shifter fork breaking in my teralow 4:1 and my brand new Cat getting smashed on the rubicon. Bad luck sometimes. But things happen and its.. well, a way of life!
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