Trail Bud
More breaks
Chris, Your so hard on me.
I've been following this thread. It took me a few days to get a few pics together. I'm sure there's some of you have more of my carnage. I had breaks for 4 years until I built up enough.
Here's the pics.
Broke 4-5 of these. This one is on the Metal Masher in Moab (thanks eddie).

1st axle. The break is at the knot in the belt. I used this same belt on the 2nd break.

Front drive line

Transfer case. I went through 3 of them.

2nd axle, broke on the Rubicon. Eddie welded it I finished the trail, drove home to LA and went for 2 more weeks before replacing it.

2nd axle break like the 1st.

Track bar mount tore off the mount 2 times.

There's more too..... :crazyeyes:
We need a second thread for all Doug's breaks
Chris, Your so hard on me.
I've been following this thread. It took me a few days to get a few pics together. I'm sure there's some of you have more of my carnage. I had breaks for 4 years until I built up enough.
Here's the pics.
Broke 4-5 of these. This one is on the Metal Masher in Moab (thanks eddie).

1st axle. The break is at the knot in the belt. I used this same belt on the 2nd break.

Front drive line

Transfer case. I went through 3 of them.

2nd axle, broke on the Rubicon. Eddie welded it I finished the trail, drove home to LA and went for 2 more weeks before replacing it.

2nd axle break like the 1st.

Track bar mount tore off the mount 2 times.

There's more too..... :crazyeyes:
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