Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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They're honoring a fucking career criminal and looking the other way while the rest of the career criminals riot, loot and destroy.

But they're just showing their frustration so it's ok...

Goal #1 met, be able to do what the fuck you want without recourse.

group of black males beat up a white guy in Klein Tx because he wouldn't let them cut in line at a store...of course no outrage and won't be dealt with as a hate crime.

Fucking do nothing government liberals.

If this whole 2020 shitshow isn't something that is being wholly orchestrated, then why in the fuck are people rioting around the world? This entire maelstrom reeks of being directed from on high by someone or some group, From the Chinese flu, to the economic meltdown and now the rioting, specifically, the Antifa hijacking of the protests. Every time I check the national headline sites I just want to vomit. It just keeps getting worse.
If this whole 2020 shitshow isn't something that is being wholly orchestrated, then why in the fuck are people rioting around the world? This entire maelstrom reeks of being directed from on high by someone or some group, From the Chinese flu, to the economic meltdown and now the rioting, specifically, the Antifa hijacking of the protests. Every time I check the national headline sites I just want to vomit. It just keeps getting worse.


You can thank fuckers like republican senator Mike Lee from Utah, he chairs the Antitrust Subcommittee. Instead of fighting this bullshit, he’s been defending Google.

That's the biggest problem. All these fuckers are in bed together. The government's job description is to secure our rights, yet all they care about is the money and private interests because they're all reaping profits while fucking the little guy. The leaders need to be servants of the people, rather than the banks and corporations. Yet sadly the people put up with it like sheep led to the slaughter.
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