Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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I couldn't agree more with all your posts this am, and in not just saying that. Im losing thousands of dollars a week and it seems like there is no concern to get people back to work and "normal" life in areas that are not as drastically effected as others. It makes sense that NYC and places like that remain locked down and shouldn't travel to/from, but plenty of other parts of the country have much larger death concerns than covid and we havent shut down for them; but I guess that doesn't matter being its not the "cool political media topic". I understand the risk of this virus and how it can spread but it's not alone and there are so many other concerns every day that havent haulted the world. Shit is crazy

Clearly, places like NYC needed to take significant steps to controlling the spread of this shit. It is funny how INSTEAD OF that, the leaders of cities like it just resorted to calling the bad orange man a racist for implementing a travel ban on china and ENCOURAGED people to gather at big events in spite of what we were starting to KNOW.

For the rest of the country, there could have been a more measured response to all this shit instead of succumbing to fear and panic. At least, in my opinion anyway.
No shit man, they are ruining businesses and lives that will not recover. All for political gains in my opinion.

I’m really at a loss for words. I suppose if you have already made your money and you have a fat stack of cash, your opinion will very.


Well yeah, think about it. Up until this shit kicked into full gear, the ruling class was doing everything it could to remove the bad orange man from office. Only problem was, the economy was rocketing and it's hard to defeat a president when things are good. I swear, you can totally hear just how happy some in the ruling class is over all this shit. Hell, if you recall, some were openly saying how we needed to purposefully hurt Americans with a recession, just to get bad orange man out of office.
This is exactly what this is all about. Making sure they stay in line with the liberal agenda. They would love this whole country to be shut down all the way to the election. You can even see it on this forum with members that don’t like Trump being much more “concerned” about this than others.

It could work. Depending on how things play out, I could see how this bullshit could help their cause. Of course, it'd be a win win for them too being that they've also obtained a lot more power in the process. Can't rule as effectively as china when people have liberties.
No shit man, they are ruining businesses and lives that will not recover. All for political gains in my opinion.

I’m really at a loss for words. I suppose if you have already made your money and you have a fat stack of cash, your opinion will very.


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Its terrible really, what will happen to alot of business. But your right, anyone who's already cashed out or in a high position financially probably has a different optic, and I guess that's ok, but clearly that's not me, or probably you for that matter (just guessing based on your post)

You forgot to mention that back then, people like the mayor of NY and the Speaker of the House were saying that the rona wasn't a threat. In fact, they were ENCOURAGING people to eat at restaurants, go out to crowded events and ride the subway. Now, somehow it's "sinful" to talk about re-opening America. :naw:

While, as you have seen I'm sure, people opposing the big orange racist seem to think this is the time to investigate how "poorly" he has handled this in hopes to hold him accountable, totally forgetting that they had different opinions before than they do now and could have also taken action if they were so convinced. Classic political winds of agendas

Clearly, places like NYC needed to take significant steps to controlling the spread of this shit. It is funny how INSTEAD OF that, the leaders of cities like it just resorted to calling the bad orange man a racist for implementing a travel ban on china and ENCOURAGED people to gather at big events in spite of what we were starting to KNOW.

For the rest of the country, there could have been a more measured response to all this shit instead of succumbing to fear and panic. At least, in my opinion anyway.

Actually, that's not just your opinion. Seems to be a trend for most small business owners across the country and I'm sure many more who have lost theirs jobs and aren't making more money now, but your right if fingers can be pointed they will.

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Yes I fact, I'm heading there in six weeks...and shortly will become a full time resident of Nevada. No, both Henderson and Las Vegas are not exactly rural.

Cool, missed you the last time around and look forward to seeing you out there.

Las Vegas and Honolulu have a lot in common, medium sized cities that are completely dependent on tourism...and Honolulu just posted a budget deficit of over 1 billion dollars due to lost fucking sucks. But what do you think Nevada would look like today if the Governor did not issue a stay at home order, left all business's open, including schools, casino's, bars & restaurants...? much business would have been lost anyway due to a major spike in deaths to both visitors and the local work force? Hawaii is amongst the lowest in confirmed cases and deaths in the nation...this was due to an early shutdown of restaurants, schools and mandatory 14 day quarantine of any visitor coming into the state...which killed our tourism business.

Am I happy that several of my friends may be declaring bankruptcy due to their business's are shuttered and failing?...or several of my family members are in danger of losing their homes because they have been out of work, and most likely their former employers will not be able to start backup? Or that my two daughters, one of which is going to college in Seattle and another going to NYC in the fall (who cannot even attend her own graduation from HS) where there is a serious concentration of this shit?...of course fuck no. I've owned several small business's over the years, and know from first hand experience how much blood, sweat and tears it takes to make them successful...and could not imagine myself in this predicament.

I'm just glad I'm not the one who has to decide on whether human lives are more or less important than the economy.

Guess we'll never know being that we never got a chance to try. Sweden, a country that the ruling class typically promotes as a shining example of how our country should be run, refused to shut it down the way china did. In spite of it, they have fared surprisingly well. Maybe places like Vegas could have used more restrictions, maybe not but I think the mayor of Vegas would have appreciated a say in things. Of course, this is to say nothing about all the rural areas of Nevada that were clearly and needlessly blanketed in the governors decree. I just saw in the local news today about how visits to the pharmacy is up but not because of this glorified common cold - it's to have prescriptions filled to address anxiety. I bet nobody covers how many people OD on drugs or commit suicide from the hardships caused by this shit. Hell, nobody in the ruling class gave a shit before.
Clearly, places like NYC needed to take significant steps to controlling the spread of this shit. It is funny how INSTEAD OF that, the leaders of cities like it just resorted to calling the bad orange man a racist for implementing a travel ban on china and ENCOURAGED people to gather at big events in spite of what we were starting to KNOW.

For the rest of the country, there could have been a more measured response to all this shit instead of succumbing to fear and panic. At least, in my opinion anyway.

I completely agree with your statement that a more measured, controlled region by region response should have been implemented...and much earlier than March. Had we started to respond in January or at least early February with a concentrated and focused containment strategy, we would have been in a much better situation both economically and mortality wise. But hindsight is always 20-20.

Many mistakes have been made on both sides of the politician can really claim the high ground here. I only hope we learn from the mistakes, because this is not the last time we will see something like this again...unfortunately.
I completely agree with your statement that a more measured, controlled region by region response should have been implemented...and much earlier than March. Had we started to respond in January or at least early February with a concentrated and focused containment strategy, we would have been in a much better situation both economically and mortality wise. But hindsight is always 20-20.

Many mistakes have been made on both sides of the politician can really claim the high ground here. I only hope we learn from the mistakes, because this is not the last time we will see something like this again...unfortunately.

But that's just my problem, there isn't any hindsight yet as we're still knee deep in this communist bullshit lock down. I don't care about mistakes that were made, I just want our government to learn from them, use what they know now and start moving forward. We can still concentrate and focus containment AND do it region by region. This is at least something that the bad orange man is talking about and wanting to do.
No shit man, they are ruining businesses and lives that will not recover. All for political gains in my opinion.

I’m really at a loss for words. I suppose if you have already made your money and you have a fat stack of cash, your opinion will very.


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Its terrible really, what will happen to alot of business. But your right, anyone who's already cashed out or in a high position financially probably has a different optic, and I guess that's ok, but clearly that's not me, or probably you for that matter (just guessing based on your post)

While, as you have seen I'm sure, people opposing the big orange racist seem to think this is the time to investigate how "poorly" he has handled this in hopes to hold him accountable, totally forgetting that they had different opinions before than they do now and could have also taken action if they were so convinced. Classic political winds of agendas

Actually, that's not just your opinion. Seems to be a trend for most small business owners across the country and I'm sure many more who have lost theirs jobs and aren't making more money now, but your right if fingers can be pointed they will.

Sent from my SM-N960U using WAYALIFE mobile app

I know quite a few people who in normal times would fit your description of having "a fat stack of cash" ain't all rosy. I am now carrying 5 other mortgage's that are not my own, made several interest free loans to business's that got passed over by the SBA disaster loans...and may be financing college tuition for several kids other than my two daughters. We have donated to multiple organizations to help feed people who cannot feed themselves. The bulk of our income is derived from commercial real estate, of which many tenants have reached out to us for deferred payments on their leases, which we are honoring. Not to mention having our net worth take a 30% reduction. I don't expect to see any of that money coming back...and I'm ok with that. In many ways, I feel fortunate that we are healthy, our friends and their families are relatively healthy, and expect to get through this.

My mom would have laughed at all of this rona shit. She survived the occupation of the Korean peninsula by Japan in WW2, then survived the Korean war, including starvation and unspeakable personal atrocities...and the only member of her family to do so. She would have said that this is a piece of cake...
But what is really pissing me off?...WA has closed the fishing season, and my wife won't let me buy a JT...
I think it started in China earlier...and over 400,000 people left China before we closed the majority of airline flights to the US...but didn't restrict air travel from Europe, where many Chinese travelled to. I also believe the rona was in the US well before Jan 20th...more likely near the beginning of December, and no one new it. After testing the crew of the USS Roosevelt, 60% of those that tested positive where completely was spreading everywhere without anyone knowing, and the early hospitalizations and deaths were contributed to influenza, since they didn't even have a way to test for rona back then.

Exactly my point. There wasn’t a spike in deaths in general during that time. People die from it. Okay. People die from everything.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
I know quite a few people who in normal times would fit your description of having "a fat stack of cash" ain't all rosy. I am now carrying 5 other mortgage's that are not my own, made several interest free loans to business's that got passed over by the SBA disaster loans...and may be financing college tuition for several kids other than my two daughters. We have donated to multiple organizations to help feed people who cannot feed themselves. The bulk of our income is derived from commercial real estate, of which many tenants have reached out to us for deferred payments on their leases, which we are honoring. Not to mention having our net worth take a 30% reduction. I don't expect to see any of that money coming back...and I'm ok with that. In many ways, I feel fortunate that we are healthy, our friends and their families are relatively healthy, and expect to get through this.

My mom would have laughed at all of this rona shit. She survived the occupation of the Korean peninsula by Japan in WW2, then survived the Korean war, including starvation and unspeakable personal atrocities...and the only member of her family to do so. She would have said that this is a piece of cake...
Good for you for helping others less fortunate! Compassion and understanding are attributes hard found in situations like this sometimes.

Sent from my SM-G965U using WAYALIFE mobile app
Exactly my point. There wasn’t a spike in deaths in general during that time. People die from it. Okay. People die from everything.

What I'd really like to know is how many of the people who are being counted as a casualty of this virus actually died from it. There are plenty of people who had other life threatening illnesses but ultimately died of something else. Such as, you could have prostate cancer but die of a totally unrelated heart attack. Being that so many of the victims are old and or have pre-existing medical conditions, I'd be curious to know if in fact the virus is what ultimately killed them OR if they just happened to die with it. Maybe, just maybe, the numbers we're seeing would be even less.
I know quite a few people who in normal times would fit your description of having "a fat stack of cash" ain't all rosy. I am now carrying 5 other mortgage's that are not my own, made several interest free loans to business's that got passed over by the SBA disaster loans...and may be financing college tuition for several kids other than my two daughters. We have donated to multiple organizations to help feed people who cannot feed themselves. The bulk of our income is derived from commercial real estate, of which many tenants have reached out to us for deferred payments on their leases, which we are honoring. Not to mention having our net worth take a 30% reduction. I don't expect to see any of that money coming back...and I'm ok with that. In many ways, I feel fortunate that we are healthy, our friends and their families are relatively healthy, and expect to get through this.

My mom would have laughed at all of this rona shit. She survived the occupation of the Korean peninsula by Japan in WW2, then survived the Korean war, including starvation and unspeakable personal atrocities...and the only member of her family to do so. She would have said that this is a piece of cake...

It seems as if you are more fortunate than most, and I'm certain you worked very hard to get to that point. However, you are choosing to be generous in this time and from what it sounds like most times in your life, and honestly I applaud you for that even though you strike me as the kind of guy who isnt looking for that type of gratification.

There are many people out there who are in great financial positions who are either taking advantage of this situation or not necessarily concerned if it ever ends because they dont rely on daily income. Most of our politicians, regardless of which side of the aisle they are on seems to be very well off and I dont believe they are capable of looking at the bigger picture with everything that that is going on in their respective districts, states, ect.

For you and people like you who rely on income from real estate, certainly you are effected like anyone else, but let's not be naive that people who hold wealth aren't better off, (regardless of how they are extended) than those trying to build wealth, or just trying to get by. (I'm not saying your are naive). I'm sure you want this to end as much as the next guy, but you've clearly started your concern of this virus on here before but places that arent as heavily effected shouldnt be extending closure periods anymore. I think the public will be changing drastically moving fwd in their own ways and expectations of how anyone can possible spread germs, which will help in itself.

Please dont take this post the wrong way, I certainly dont mean any thing negative by it nor do I think your "out of touch" or anything like that. My goal is to position myself similar to where you are with your assets and such, but hard to move fwd when the govt tells me I cant and then cant provide me assistance they are promising, just trying to make it! Lol

Sent from my SM-N960U using WAYALIFE mobile app
What I'd really like to know is how many of the people who are being counted as a casualty of this virus actually died from it. There are plenty of people who had other life threatening illnesses but ultimately died of something else. Such as, you could have prostate cancer but die of a totally unrelated heart attack. Being that so many of the victims are old and or have pre-existing medical conditions, I'd be curious to know if in fact the virus is what ultimately killed them OR if they just happened to die with it. Maybe, just maybe, the numbers we're seeing would be even less.

It could be...but I suspect that it actually is much more. In Italy alone, they stopped testing due to many factors, including insufficient amount of personnel to administer testing...and like in NY, those that most likely died of rona but never got tested (since they were not wasting time and tests on the dead) were never counted among the "confirmed" cases...I also think people may have died from it earlier that was contributed to the flu. When my wife and I were in Seattle last December, we both had the worst "colds" of our lives...I couldn't get out of bed for a full day; we discounted the flu, since we both get regular flu vaccinations...then we traveled to NYC to spend Christmas, not coming back to HI until January. What do you think the odds are that we had already contracted the rona?...
It seems as if you are more fortunate than most, and I'm certain you worked very hard to get to that point. However, you are choosing to be generous in this time and from what it sounds like most times in your life, and honestly I applaud you for that even though you strike me as the kind of guy who isnt looking for that type of gratification.

There are many people out there who are in great financial positions who are either taking advantage of this situation or not necessarily concerned if it ever ends because they dont rely on daily income. Most of our politicians, regardless of which side of the aisle they are on seems to be very well off and I dont believe they are capable of looking at the bigger picture with everything that that is going on in their respective districts, states, ect.

For you and people like you who rely on income from real estate, certainly you are effected like anyone else, but let's not be naive that people who hold wealth aren't better off, (regardless of how they are extended) than those trying to build wealth, or just trying to get by. (I'm not saying your are naive). I'm sure you want this to end as much as the next guy, but you've clearly started your concern of this virus on here before but places that arent as heavily effected shouldnt be extending closure periods anymore. I think the public will be changing drastically moving fwd in their own ways and expectations of how anyone can possible spread germs, which will help in itself.

Please dont take this post the wrong way, I certainly dont mean any thing negative by it nor do I think your "out of touch" or anything like that. My goal is to position myself similar to where you are with your assets and such, but hard to move fwd when the govt tells me I cant and then cant provide me assistance they are promising, just trying to make it! Lol

Sent from my SM-N960U using WAYALIFE mobile app

I absolutely agree with you. 100%.
What I'd really like to know is how many of the people who are being counted as a casualty of this virus actually died from it. There are plenty of people who had other life threatening illnesses but ultimately died of something else. Such as, you could have prostate cancer but die of a totally unrelated heart attack. Being that so many of the victims are old and or have pre-existing medical conditions, I'd be curious to know if in fact the virus is what ultimately killed them OR if they just happened to die with it. Maybe, just maybe, the numbers we're seeing would be even less.

I’m sure the virus did kill them. Same as pneumonia kills a bunch of people who get checked into the hospital with other issues. Did they die from pneumonia? No probably not. They died from a weak immune system with many underlying issues. The pneumonia just sped the process up.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
I know quite a few people who in normal times would fit your description of having "a fat stack of cash" ain't all rosy. I am now carrying 5 other mortgage's that are not my own, made several interest free loans to business's that got passed over by the SBA disaster loans...and may be financing college tuition for several kids other than my two daughters. We have donated to multiple organizations to help feed people who cannot feed themselves. The bulk of our income is derived from commercial real estate, of which many tenants have reached out to us for deferred payments on their leases, which we are honoring. Not to mention having our net worth take a 30% reduction. I don't expect to see any of that money coming back...and I'm ok with that. In many ways, I feel fortunate that we are healthy, our friends and their families are relatively healthy, and expect to get through this.

My mom would have laughed at all of this rona shit. She survived the occupation of the Korean peninsula by Japan in WW2, then survived the Korean war, including starvation and unspeakable personal atrocities...and the only member of her family to do so. She would have said that this is a piece of cake...

Can you cover my mortgage? I was laid off in March and Ray is down to working one day a week. I won’t even care if you tell everyone you’re helping me out. No shame in my game. 🤷🏻*♀️

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I read an article on Google that they believe the first few cases stem back to San Francisco and has spread from the West to the east. What New York is seening now is what we had seen in California late November December.

Again from google so may or may not be true.

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