Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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This is what is the most disturbing to me... and scares me more than any virus.

The really scary part of this is that this has laid a template down for the future. :naw:

And it should! Do you think all those sneeze barriers that have been installed at stores will go away? Do you think people will be allowed to stand in a line any closer than 6 feet away again? Do you think the government won't force people to stay at home for whatever reason they see fit in the future now that they know that they can? Do you think the government won't harass churches, religious institutions or people in general to "gather" if they deem what they're doing as being some kind of a threat?

None of this is good and the worst part is, people out there actually WANT it.
The really scary part of this is that this has laid a template down for the future. :naw:

100% accurate always easier to do it the second time. First time my company ever did furloughs and layoffs they struggled with idea and claimed how hard it was for them to do it. I’m on my third furlough in 10 years. Much easier the second time and didn’t even bat an eye this third time.

The government now has a blueprint and not for the best.

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Yup, the end of the world is here and all our liberties need to be given up for this.

View attachment 345559

Not like being out of a job could ever cause a person to go hungry, turn to drugs or take their own life. [emoji849]

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Actually worldwide the “confirmed” deaths from Coronavirus is triple that...but I’m also sure a shitload more died in China that was reported
I live in Carson City, the state capital of Nevada and the 3 surrounding counties, Lyon, Storey and Douglas make up what is known as the Quad Counties. As of today, there have only been 53 cases in total for the Quad Counties and ZERO deaths. In fact, 12 have already been listed as RECOVERED. Good thing our leaders have stripped us of our liberties to protect us from this highly deadly virus. [emoji849]

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Nevada is very fortunate...and most likely because most is rural and not densely populated, like NY, which had over a quarter million “confirmed” cases and over 17,000 “confirmed” deaths (many died of the Rona that were never tested). States like Nevada should already begin to return to opening non essential business and get the economy moving again. It will be awhile longer for states like NY...
Actually worldwide the “confirmed” deaths from Coronavirus is triple that...but I’m also sure a shitload more died in China that was reported

Fine. Let's triple the number and let's even assume not a single new case of death by flu occurred since the 1st of the month - that would still put the total worldwide death total at only 139,473. That's just a bit over the flu and again, assuming no new deaths from it had occurred. This is to say nothing about how it ranks compared to suicide.

Sorry, you'll have to forgive me for my unwillingness to give up my liberties over this bullshit.
Anyone self quarantined?

Nevada is very fortunate...and most likely because most is rural and not densely populated, like NY, which had over a quarter million “confirmed” cases and over 17,000 “confirmed” deaths (many died of the Rona that were never tested). States like Nevada should already begin to return to opening non essential business and get the economy moving again. It will be awhile longer for states like NY...

LOL - you just bought a place in Henderson and while it and Vegas is no NY, I think it's a far cry to call it "rural". And yes, Nevada "should" begin returning to opening non-essential businesses but it's not. Why? Because our new governor wants to tow the party line. In spite of hard numbers, he's already extended the shutdown to the end of the month and as of now, is considering the extension of it in spite of pleas from the mayor of Las Vegas, the most populous city in the state.
LOL - you just bought a place in Henderson and while it and Vegas is no NY, I think it's a far cry to call it "rural". And yes, Nevada "should" begin returning to opening non-essential businesses but it's not. Why? Because our new governor wants to tow the party line. In spite of hard numbers, he's already extended the shutdown to the end of the month and as of now, is considering the extension of it in spite of pleas from the mayor of Las Vegas.

Here in Michigan we are extended to the end of April. If she (Governor) extends longer I’m sure Michigan will be up in smoke. People around here are starting to get tired of this shit.
At what point do I get to start chanting “not my Governor “ like jackass’s did when President Trump was elected.
Anyone self quarantined?

I guess my question is if this shit started in China in 2019, in November, how come it took until January 20th to show up here in the Us? There are 61 flights from China to US daily, that doesn’t include connecting flights to other countries. Let’s say average 200 people on the plane (probably pretty low). With 52 days between November 30th to January 20th that would be 634,000 people from China direct and only one person contracted this shit? But now we need to shut the whole world down or everyone will contract it?

I guess the rona must have gotten the memo or the calendar invite that it can only start spreading on certain days in certain countries. I never received that one.

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Fine. Let's triple the number and let's even assume not a single new case of death by flu occurred since the 1st of the month - that would still put the total worldwide death total at only 139,473. That's just a bit over the flu and again, assuming no new deaths from it had occurred. This is to say nothing about how it ranks compared to suicide.

Sorry, you'll have to forgive me for my unwillingness to give up my liberties over this bullshit.
I couldn't agree more with all your posts this am, and in not just saying that. Im losing thousands of dollars a week and it seems like there is no concern to get people back to work and "normal" life in areas that are not as drastically effected as others. It makes sense that NYC and places like that remain locked down and shouldn't travel to/from, but plenty of other parts of the country have much larger death concerns than covid and we havent shut down for them; but I guess that doesn't matter being its not the "cool political media topic". I understand the risk of this virus and how it can spread but it's not alone and there are so many other concerns every day that havent haulted the world. Shit is crazy

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I couldn't agree more with all your posts this am, and in not just saying that. Im losing thousands of dollars a week and it seems like there is no concern to get people back to work and "normal" life in areas that are not as drastically effected as others. It makes sense that NYC and places like that remain locked down and shouldn't travel to/from, but plenty of other parts of the country have much larger death concerns than covid and we havent shut down for them; but I guess that doesn't matter being its not the "cool political media topic". I understand the risk of this virus and how it can spread but it's not alone and there are so many other concerns every day that havent haulted the world. Shit is crazy

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No shit man, they are ruining businesses and lives that will not recover. All for political gains in my opinion.

I’m really at a loss for words. I suppose if you have already made your money and you have a fat stack of cash, your opinion will very.


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LOL - you just bought a place in Henderson and while it and Vegas is no NY, I think it's a far cry to call it "rural". And yes, Nevada "should" begin returning to opening non-essential businesses but it's not. Why? Because our new governor wants to tow the party line. In spite of hard numbers, he's already extended the shutdown to the end of the month and as of now, is considering the extension of it in spite of pleas from the mayor of Las Vegas, the most populous city in the state.

This is exactly what this is all about. Making sure they stay in line with the liberal agenda. They would love this whole country to be shut down all the way to the election. You can even see it on this forum with members that don’t like Trump being much more “concerned” about this than others.

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LOL - you just bought a place in Henderson and while it and Vegas is no NY, I think it's a far cry to call it "rural". And yes, Nevada "should" begin returning to opening non-essential businesses but it's not. Why? Because our new governor wants to tow the party line. In spite of hard numbers, he's already extended the shutdown to the end of the month and as of now, is considering the extension of it in spite of pleas from the mayor of Las Vegas, the most populous city in the state.

Yes I fact, I'm heading there in six weeks...and shortly will become a full time resident of Nevada. No, both Henderson and Las Vegas are not exactly rural.

Las Vegas and Honolulu have a lot in common, medium sized cities that are completely dependent on tourism...and Honolulu just posted a budget deficit of over 1 billion dollars due to lost fucking sucks. But what do you think Nevada would look like today if the Governor did not issue a stay at home order, left all business's open, including schools, casino's, bars & restaurants...? much business would have been lost anyway due to a major spike in deaths to both visitors and the local work force? Hawaii is amongst the lowest in confirmed cases and deaths in the nation...this was due to an early shutdown of restaurants, schools and mandatory 14 day quarantine of any visitor coming into the state...which killed our tourism business.

Am I happy that several of my friends may be declaring bankruptcy due to their business's are shuttered and failing?...or several of my family members are in danger of losing their homes because they have been out of work, and most likely their former employers will not be able to start backup? Or that my two daughters, one of which is going to college in Seattle and another going to NYC in the fall (who cannot even attend her own graduation from HS) where there is a serious concentration of this shit?...of course fuck no. I've owned several small business's over the years, and know from first hand experience how much blood, sweat and tears it takes to make them successful...and could not imagine myself in this predicament.

I'm just glad I'm not the one who has to decide on whether human lives are more or less important than the economy.
I guess my question is if this shit started in China in 2019, in November, how come it took until January 20th to show up here in the Us? There are 61 flights from China to US daily, that doesn’t include connecting flights to other countries. Let’s say average 200 people on the plane (probably pretty low). With 52 days between November 30th to January 20th that would be 634,000 people from China direct and only one person contracted this shit? But now we need to shut the whole world down or everyone will contract it?

I guess the rona must have gotten the memo or the calendar invite that it can only start spreading on certain days in certain countries. I never received that one.

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I think it started in China earlier...and over 400,000 people left China before we closed the majority of airline flights to the US...but didn't restrict air travel from Europe, where many Chinese travelled to. I also believe the rona was in the US well before Jan 20th...more likely near the beginning of December, and no one new it. After testing the crew of the USS Roosevelt, 60% of those that tested positive where completely was spreading everywhere without anyone knowing, and the early hospitalizations and deaths were contributed to influenza, since they didn't even have a way to test for rona back then.
I guess my question is if this shit started in China in 2019, in November, how come it took until January 20th to show up here in the Us? There are 61 flights from China to US daily, that doesn’t include connecting flights to other countries. Let’s say average 200 people on the plane (probably pretty low). With 52 days between November 30th to January 20th that would be 634,000 people from China direct and only one person contracted this shit? But now we need to shut the whole world down or everyone will contract it?

I guess the rona must have gotten the memo or the calendar invite that it can only start spreading on certain days in certain countries. I never received that one.

You forgot to mention that back then, people like the mayor of NY and the Speaker of the House were saying that the rona wasn't a threat. In fact, they were ENCOURAGING people to eat at restaurants, go out to crowded events and ride the subway. Now, somehow it's "sinful" to talk about re-opening America. :naw:
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