WINDROCK End of Summer Pre-Run #2 - January 29-31

Hide it in a cup. Boom! Problem solved lol. Haha it is true! I usually run to the local parts store or something to get something I need for an install and there's a Lowe's foods right next to it. So I get to stop in there and get a few beers too haha.

Lol! i might just have to try that! :beer:

Haha I'm with you on that one. I think its the only thing that keeps me from setting my Jeep on fire and rolling it down a hill when I try and do stuff to it lol

Beer is always good when working on jeep, i'll be doing some prep work this weekend i will def have some beer on hand! :beer:
We have snow in the forecast for Sunday, but it was 67 today. So who knows!? I live about an hour 1/2 from Windrock.
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