Who is going to KOH 2014?

Looks like mel is moving again hopefully he makes it to the remote pit .

Sent from the"Zone of Influence"
Guys, I am disappointed to say we timed out in EVOTJ. Here's a list of the carnage that held us back. -between start line and remote pit one, we lost reverse and did not know it until a few miles later at "Sandhill" but powered through with intentions of fixing at main pit. Fix turned out to be temporary and we lost reverse for good. (Finding new transmission builder soon) - left main pit and within a mile cut a rear tire. Had no spare, drove as far as we could to reach remote pit 2 (about 30 miles) on flat tire. Could not drive any further on "Aftershock". To many waterfalls. I walked about two miles to find a tire, with no luck from any of the other racers running an 8 lug pattern. By the time I walked back to Mel, karma had paid off and a friend (another racer) gave us his spare with only 8 race miles to go to remote pit two. Made it there, change tire out to our nittos. Left remote pit two, ruptured power steering hose. Fixed within 20 minutes. -"chocolate thunder", had no reverse gear. Winch line had melted from all the hard pulls on "aftershock". Broke winch line four times trying to recover the race car. Each time the winch line broke in a new spot and did not break at the knots I was tying. -made it to race mile 91 at "Upper Big Johnson" had 1 1/2hrs to go until we disqualified from timing out. Thought we could make it, but again no reverse gear left us severely high centered and we ate up our remaining time there. Moochie, drew@offroadevolution, Overlanderjk, and a few more crew came out well after dark to recover us. Sincere and deep thanks to those brothers! We owe you Off to bed now, have to be back at hammer town by 5:30am for 6am unlimited class start in EVO1. Thanks to all for their following along and support! You guys are awesome.

Edit: This is all fact, all other accounts from bystanders are inaccurate. I'm sitting next to Mel in the race cars, doing the dirty grunt work ;)

Wow I'm just reading all this been at work all week hope you guys finish today good luck out there brothers!

Update #4451 is unofficially out. Word from Pit 2 is he broke his flex plate in his transmission.

update: He's out and getting towed.
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Based on greg's comment last night and today's trans issues, there will be a job opening on the crew. :crazyeyes:
Based on greg's comment last night and today's trans issues, there will be a job opening on the crew. :crazyeyes:

I'd say that's a fair assumption.

EDIT: To clarify, I was referring to GCM 2's comment "Finding new transmission builder soon". I recieved this as there is currently a transmission builder that is part of the team and because of the failures, they will be looking to replace that person/company.
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Great work to Mel and Greg. Hopefully next year. ...

Sent from my SCH-I545 using WAYALIFE mobile app
:thumb::thumb::thumb: big thumbs up for you guys even if you guys got a DNF no big deal theres always next year and remember you guys get to do what i'm sure a lot of others like my self wish we could get to do so your hero's no matter what
That explains why I never saw them at choco thunder. I left at 2pm and still no sign of them I think choco thunder is around race mile 89.


I did however catch the start and got to see them take the bypass around back door first thing.

Sent from my EVO using WAYALIFE mobile app
Got to go out this afternoon. Saw a whole bunch of Wayalife stickers. Hopefully I can make it next year. Already sad it's almost over.
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