what's with the hate from other forums & bob-o12jk / jeeplover????

Eddie what the hell are you talking about????? Where do you get the idea "finding someone can use". How is finding a friend that can you fab useing them? You must have a guilty conscious about using people. You are the master at twisting other peoples words into your own weird ass ideas. Man your so fucking arrogant.

Who ever pick jkrossi as the next contestant from the CombatVetJK group of friends just won the :asshat: award for melting down. Here is a thought why not create your own forum and just walk away. :twocents:

Here is what you two and everybody else that starts bashing on this forum obviously does not get. This is Eddie's forum, not anybody else's. He chooses to let us be here and have a place to talk Jeeps. If he wants to comment on every post saying we are doing it wrong, he has that God given right! He pays for the servers out of his own pocket. We could all wake up one day and go to log in and WAYALIFE could be gone if he so chooses. So just remember that when you speak about somebody in their own house.
Is it just me or has anyone else wondered if bob-o12jk is really jkrossi's dad that helped him weld the bumper? :thinking: :idontknow:

I know it's probably not the case, but it would explain so much. :yup:
After reading all of this and getting quite a few good chuckles... this is really all that came to mind...

No worries there Overlander help is just a phone call away. Might take a couple of days from Florida or in this case Okinawa, but help would be on the way.

Don't need help, Eddie is on my speed dial. I wasn't aware of it until this morning though. Big thanks bob-o.
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