what's with the hate from other forums & bob-o12jk / jeeplover????

This me being a cock bite was only a show. I just wanted to see how worked up all of you would get to protect each other and eddie. This just shows what kind of forum this is if someone has a different opinion or maybe if their shocks are too long hahahaha. Your all pathetic and have no lives....plus this is the internet....so it must be true lol..

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The only person that got worked up is you. Nobody else was worked up or mad or defending anyone. Everyone was simply making fun of you.
Eddie was cool too when I met in at suds and grubs. But what isn't cool is when.someone posts up a bumper that was fabricated from a guy his father and eddies starts talking trash about it. When he.knows damn well that the guy is in a freaking wheelchair. I wheeled with this guy last weekend and I.gave him so much.respect for doing what he loves and being a paraplegic at the same time. He is such a nice guy and he wheels pretty damn hard for not being able to use his legs. I learned a lot from Eddie in person and from his forum.and write ups but I dont.think he has the right to talk trash.about a guy that is handicapped

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The only person that got worked up is you. Nobody else was worked up or mad or defending anyone. Everyone was simply making fun of you.

:thinking: I thought it was about the guy in the wheelchair??? :thinking: Oh well. Who gives a fuck anyway? :idontknow:
Now your making fun of my rig, thanks. Does this make you feel more like a man or do you wanna throw in some yo' momma jokes too. Im sorry if I barely got my first jeep last year and cant afford $20-30k to drop on coil overs, d60's and bead locks.

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Ahm... the best part of you ran down your mama's leg.... Just say'n :cheesy:
Fuck you! Andrew. I.didn't ask for any of it. I just knew exactly what was going to happen..one person says something that someone doesn't like then.all of a sudden 20 fuckin people are picking on 1 guy..
What a great forum

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Then why are you still here?
All because of a pic that you posted up on the internet. Think about that one for a moment.

Funny, your "handicapped" friend specifically said "Find a friend that can fab and Make your own. You can make one just as strong as an EVO or LOD for a quarter of the price" and all I did was question what he said, just like I would have anyone. It's one thing for you to make something because you wanted to and another to "find someone you can use" just so that you can save some money. Or, at least, that was my point. I NEVER made any mention of him being handicapped because I really didn't think it should make a difference as you seem to think it should. You're right, I have met you and thought you were cool but, now see that you're the kind of guy that think people with a disability should somehow get respect and special treatment just because of it. And, when a guy like me talks to him AS AN EQUAL, it's somehow "trash talk." You my friend are a winner :thumb:

Eddie what the hell are you talking about????? Where do you get the idea "finding someone can use". How is finding a friend that can you fab useing them? You must have a guilty conscious about using people. You are the master at twisting other peoples words into your own weird ass ideas. Man your so fucking arrogant.
Eddie what the hell are you talking about????? Where do you get the idea "finding someone can use". How is finding a friend that can you fab useing them? You must have a guilty conscious about using people. You are the master at twisting other peoples words into your own weird ass ideas. Man your so fucking arrogant.
Oh look! Another leach that doesn't like here, but just can't let go. :crazyeyes:
Eddie what the hell are you talking about????? Where do you get the idea "finding someone can use". How is finding a friend that can you fab useing them? You must have a guilty conscious about using people. You are the master at twisting other peoples words into your own weird ass ideas. Man your so fucking arrogant.

Now it's a party.
Eddie what the hell are you talking about????? Where do you get the idea "finding someone can use". How is finding a friend that can you fab useing them? You must have a guilty conscious about using people. You are the master at twisting other peoples words into your own weird ass ideas. Man your so fucking arrogant.

It's using not "using"
I have to say, this is the best read I have had in awhile. Maybe I just lead a boring life, but this really entertaining me!

"Sua Sponte"
Eddie what the hell are you talking about????? Where do you get the idea "finding someone can use". How is finding a friend that can you fab useing them? You must have a guilty conscious about using people. You are the master at twisting other peoples words into your own weird ass ideas. Man your so fucking arrogant.

I ain't defending anyone as I don't know Eddie from Adam, whoever the hell Adam is. But, maybe Eddie's weird ass idea came from the conversation/messaging that I know I wasn't apart of and maybe you weren't either. We shouldn't TRY to read too far in to words on a screen.
Im not mentally insane, I just did this for the hell of it to see how many retards would have eddies back just as if you all were his servants or something with your pathetic lives. I dont give a fuck what anyone says about me or about my rig.
And if you wanna talk shit face to face, fuckin bring it, you pussies

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app

Here is my guess either you did not get enough attention when you were younger or you received too much attention, either way you are still an :asshat:. With this being said, if you want to bring attention to yourself then stand by for heavy rolls. If not shut your pie hole and go away. Do not go away mad just go away. As for having Eddie's back you bet your sweet :asshat: I do. I have not met him but he is a brother in the Jeep community and has gone above and beyond to make everyone feel welcomed here. It is :asshat: 's like you which have to be put in check to keep from giving Jeeper's a bad name. You are probably the :asshat: who will not wave when driving down the road because my Jeep in not all modded out. So take your :asshat: ness and just move on and get glad in the same clothes you got mad in. BTW if you are broke down on the trail you can bet even though you act like an :asshat: I will stop and help. You ask why because it is what we do, help each other. So take your marbles and go play in another sandbox. :twocents:
Here is my guess either you did not get enough attention when you were younger or you received too much attention, either way you are still an :asshat:. With this being said, if you want to bring attention to yourself then stand by for heavy rolls. If not shut your pie hole and go away. Do not go away mad just go away. As for having Eddie's back you bet your sweet :asshat: I do. I have not met him but he is a brother in the Jeep community and has gone above and beyond to make everyone feel welcomed here. It is :asshat: 's like you which have to be put in check to keep from giving Jeeper's a bad name. You are probably the :asshat: who will not wave when driving down the road because my Jeep in not all modded out. So take your :asshat: ness and just move on and get glad in the same clothes you got mad in. BTW if you are broke down on the trail you can bet even though you act like an :asshat: I will stop and help. You ask why because it is what we do, help each other. So take your marbles and go play in another sandbox. :twocents:

If you ask PhillipAZ he told me that he hopes I break on the trail and that nobody helps me.
Eddie what the hell are you talking about????? Where do you get the idea "finding someone can use". How is finding a friend that can you fab useing them? You must have a guilty conscious about using people. You are the master at twisting other peoples words into your own weird ass ideas.

LOL!! I think you need to give the google translator another go - Seriously dude, I can barely understand what you are saying.

Man your so fucking arrogant.

Does that mean you don't think I'm "cool" anymore? 😭
I've seen this before and it makes me laugh , the forum to forum hate is so childish it can be sad. I personally don't care what forum you are on we are all jeepers and we all keep it tight !! After seeing all the work Eddie has put into this forum and project JK with all the write ups and things like that to help other jeepers nobody comes close and i have yet to find a forum that welcomes anyone with open arms like Wayalife does. If some of you guys put half of the energy u use to talk trash on the Internet into ur jeeps u wud all have sick rigs

I don't always wheel , but when I do I keep it tight......... Stay dirty my friends.
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