Upcoming Trip: 2015 WAYALIFE New Year Kick Off Run 01/03/15

So, I just wanted to make sure you all were aware of the fact that it will most likely be on the cool to cold side when we do this run. Pretty much every day next week leading up to New Years will be in the mid 40s for the high and mid 20s for the low. There's even a chance of snow out in the area that we will be wheeling on New Years Day. Please be sure to plan for this and dress accordingly.

Wow that's good to know brother thank you oh and by the way it seems like I might be able to make it for this run but I'll be showing up Saturday morning with my lil man
Back in 2011, we had 35 JK's who joined us for the kick off run and this was right after a bigass storm that completely jacked up Afton Canyon. Literally, the wash became quicksand in places and Jeeps were getting their axles swallowed up.





It was a total mess. On a normal year, this literally should have been an easy 4 hour run that you could have done in 2WD. I don't think we got home till 2AM. :crazyeyes:
Back in 2011, we had 35 JK's who joined us for the kick off run and this was right after a bigass storm that completely jacked up Afton Canyon. Literally, the was became quicksand in places and Jeeps were getting their axles swallowed up.





It was a total mess. On a normal year, this literally should have been an easy 4 hour run that you could have done in 2WD. I don't think we got home till 2AM. :crazyeyes:

Good thing we'll have 60 rigs...more to help pull everyone out :cheesy:
:cheesy: How'd I know you'd say that!

What this trip taught a lot of people is 1.) you never know what might happen on a trail run 2.) you should always be prepared for whatever may come your way and last but not least 3.) NEVER plan anything important after a run like this like a date with your girlfriend or something like that as you're sure jinx that from ever happening. :crazyeyes:
:cheesy: How'd I know you'd say that!

What this trip taught a lot of people is 1.) you never know what might happen on a trail run 2.) you should always be prepared for whatever may come your way and last but not least 3.) NEVER plan anything important after a run like this like a date with your girlfriend or something like that as you're sure jinx that from ever happening. :crazyeyes:

I always love when people ask me "when you think we will get off the trail?" I usually tell them I'll let ya know when we are airing up :D
I always love when people ask me "when you think we will get off the trail?" I usually tell them I'll let ya know when we are airing up :D

Ya you never know when some 20 year old in a full size truck on 22's is going to lock their keys in the truck or some Ya hoo in a suburban thinks it's ok to run 40 psi in street tires in 2 ft of snow. Makes for great stories over beer.
Ya you never know when some 20 year old in a full size truck on 22's is going to lock their keys in the truck or some Ya hoo in a suburban thinks it's ok to run 40 psi in street tires in 2 ft of snow. Makes for great stories over beer.

HAHAHAHHAA that never happens. I really love the guy in the Toyota..."who carries a full kit to unlock or Slim Jim a vehicle?" Um, I do :cheesy:
HAHAHAHHAA that never happens. I really love the guy in the Toyota..."who carries a full kit to unlock or Slim Jim a vehicle?" Um, I do :cheesy:

Good thing you do, you and Brendon would of had to pull the rest of us through the deep stuff to get around. Reminds me, I still need to order a new CB antenna. Although it worked better after I put it back on. May just be the quick connect.
Ya you never know when some 20 year old in a full size truck on 22's is going to lock their keys in the truck or some Ya hoo in a suburban thinks it's ok to run 40 psi in street tires in 2 ft of snow. Makes for great stories over beer.

I was waiting for this to come up! And then the kid trying to pull out the suburban, "Wow, that YOU GUYS have shovels I guess we don't need to air him down..."
Please add us to the confirmed list! My wife and two boys will be joining.

See y'all Saturday morning! Can't wait!
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