The Official I Hate wayoflife / Eddie Thread

I'm getting a real laugh out of all these haters. Guys we all drank the Kool aid :cheesy: but haters will hate. And seeing some of what these people post is really ignorant but then again you can't teach common sense actually you can't those people anything their to ignorant to listen :yup:
It's always fun to see this thread pop up. Especially to start the day as I'm sipping my morning Kool-Aid.
Gotta love Facebook. A place on the internet where everyone is determined to tell you how much more badass or how much better or smarter they are than you and why. :crazyeyes:

Gotta love Facebook. A place on the internet where everyone is determined to tell you how much more badass or how much better or smarter they are than you and why. :crazyeyes:

If only we could all have the intellectual foresight of Cole Termaaten. Who apparently doesn't have the same foresight to understand a future employer could be a fan of WAL and see the type of person COLE really is. The social media incompetence. I'm going to venture Cole hasn't secured his personal FB page either and has pics of his wife and kids and whereabouts out there for all the world to see. Just another 65 year old banjo player to add to the list. :cheesy:
If people hate the videos so much I wonder why they keep watching them over and over and over lol. You have some secret admirers Eddie!
My grandfather used to tell me: "Son, if you stick your head above a crowd someone will get jealous and throw a tomato at it. Don't let that stop you from holding it high."
Yeah, if you guys hadn't thrown that ginormous boulder into the pit maybe no one would've had to winch out.....:thinking:
That is a great quote. :thumb:

X2. So much I just stole it and put it on me work e-mail signature. I did give credit to Jay's Grandpa..:thumb: It replaced "Life is not made up of a network shortcuts" A coworker said that once and I found it humorous yet so true.
I just looked at Cole's FB page. He's about 14 years old and named his XJ "swamp donkey". So that explains a lot.
This is a constant struggle. Those who know Eddie personally know how genuine he is, the rest just listen to what they "hear" or choose to believe on the forums.

The ironic thing is I have never met Eddie personally on conversed through PM and emails. Most of my friends on WAL I have never met in person only talked with via txt, phone or email.
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