The Official I Hate wayoflife / Eddie Thread

im new to the forum, I dont know Eddie. i dont know any of you.i would like to think that i present myself online the same way i would if i met everyone of you in person.its amazing the coments you see from people who take a like/dislike of a product and convert it to a dislike of a person.I have been in the automotive industry for 27 years and wheeling for 20 of them.i have not seen or used every product out there. I have my likes and dilikes of productsbased on experience. i would not turn that into a dislike toward a person because he liked a different product than i do. it make no sence to me(except chevy owners, they suck.... JJ) I joined the forum after finding the vidoes Eddie has posted . I like them. they are entertaining and enjoyable.i didnt join because i disagree with his choice of tires or because he uses a certain fuel i could make negative post about it.its easy to sit behind a computer screen and spout off. i think it can show ones true colours as a person.

i will admit, i do get a kick out of the troll comments. a good chuckle with some.

that is all.

Damn you just got an almost online beat down. Kinda like Eddie almost got knocked out...haha. The way he disappears he must be some sorta ninja. There needs to be a Mattie almost beat me down thread..;)

Was just a fluke I guess. It popped up in my news feed and I saw the name and it didn't click till I saw CANADA. Lol, I was like WTF?!! Guy has no life at all.
I've been reading this for the past 30 minutes thinking what the fuck is going on hahaha. I'd love to meet some of these haters and put my two cents in lol. WAL
Wow I gotta say this thread has been entertaining! LOL I am friends with several people who have been banned from JKF for various reasons. Obviously they all have a certain anger against you. I have noticed a HUGE amount of peer pressure to join in on the hate as well. Its crazy that even on a wheeling trip in the mid west it comes up. If you join any other forum it comes up. I reserve my right to make my own judgement, and wont drink ANYONES "koolaid". I have had some very close personal friends who have had a negative opinion of you in the past but said once they met you on JKX that you were a genuine nice guy. Hell you even went as far as to help them out when their rig broke down! The evil Eddie Oh wouldnt do that would he?!?!?! Must be some mistake LOL!
Wow I gotta say this thread has been entertaining! LOL I am friends with several people who have been banned from JKF for various reasons. Obviously they all have a certain anger against you. I have noticed a HUGE amount of peer pressure to join in on the hate as well. Its crazy that even on a wheeling trip in the mid west it comes up. If you join any other forum it comes up. I reserve my right to make my own judgement, and wont drink ANYONES "koolaid". I have had some very close personal friends who have had a negative opinion of you in the past but said once they met you on JKX that you were a genuine nice guy. Hell you even went as far as to help them out when their rig broke down! The evil Eddie Oh wouldnt do that would he?!?!?! Must be some mistake LOL!

Really, the venom they write about Eddie reveals more about them than Eddie.:yup:
Haha! Wish I would have seen that post on the Fresno FB Exchange!! Totally missed a troll the troll opportunity!

I'll have to find you on FB Ridg3Runner!
Haha! Wish I would have seen that post on the Fresno FB Exchange!! Totally missed a troll the troll opportunity!

I'll have to find you on FB Ridg3Runner!

Thing is, I thought because they deleted him that all the comments were gone too. I totally forgot when people make comments to a page I make a comment on it gets sent to my email. So, here we have it, lol. The posts are all backwards in each pic but you'll get the idea. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1423887322.456460.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1423887335.174140.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1423887354.409188.jpg
Really, the venom they write about Eddie reveals more about them than Eddie.:yup:

The guys I know dont go around talking shit though. They dont post up how much they hate Eddie. They arent fans and I can see their point on several things, but they dont spend their lives focused on it. Thats just not healthy. The things is people dont understand that its possible to have different opinions on things and still have a mutual respect or at least be civil. Hell I disagreed with Eddie in a Youtube comment but Im still here. LOL
LOL!! Such as? Please do elaborate :yup:

Well I guess I may have stretched it when I said several but there was one instance in particular where a friend of mine made a comment that didnt completely agree with yours and you were pretty quick trash him and ban him right after he replied in his own defense. I can see where being in your position you are probably trolled WAY too much and might take some comments a bit harsher than intended. Another instance was a buddy made a completely innocent mistake about a spec and was instantly flamed by moderators and then banned after he voiced his opinion of how he was treated.

Like I said Im sure you guys deal with trolling douchebags on a regular basis but I have seen some petty decent guys be on the receiving end of misdirected wrath. Now I understand that through the complete lack emotion presented through text that it can often come off as stand offish when it is really just innocent misunderstanding.:yup::D
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