The Official I Hate wayoflife / Eddie Thread

That's crazy Eddie, how people like that are talking about how members treat other members on the forum. If they would just learn when everybody is bull crapping, talking little smack or being straight serious. Then stuff like this wouldn't happen and other members would better understand how the WAYALIFE family operates. I've learned that and have had an awesome time on the forum. I've taken in alot of helpful advice and made new friends.
I'm in the Navy and haven't found anything to make me feel that way on this forum. Though I do know a bunch of service members that will blindly listen to a fellow service member without checking things out for themselves...

Some people need to realize that not everyone if going to always agree with you. Especially if they have direct experience with a type of gear/equipment they are or want to run. Sometimes you need to take a step back and reconsider what your experience is based on and be willing to accept someone else's if they have more experience or a better approach.

Army brat here. I don't give a rats ass what you like to run or not. It's your truck. As the saying goes, it's your chicken- cook it. To each his own. I am interested in your experiences and always willing to hear your opinion but in the end my truck is my truck. Your truck is your truck. It's all good.
Lol, there is quite a few posts about butt hurt losers who came here to start shit. I think we need a new sub forum in the pub, maybe call it butt hurt jeepers?
LOL!! If it's said on Pirate, it must be true. Just got this hater comment from a guy named Keith DeMartini and according to his Facebook profile, he works at Torchmate CNC Cutting Systems. You would think that a company like that would discourage their employees from participating in slanderous banter especially when the only thing they know is based on internet hearsay but hey, maybe I'm giving them a bit too much credit.

Retired Jarhead here, been here since almost the start and will stay here till we are in ORE built wheelchairs!
LOL!! If it's said on Pirate, it must be true. Just got this hater comment from a guy named Keith DeMartini and according to his Facebook profile, he works at Torchmate CNC Cutting Systems. You would think that a company like that would discourage their employees from participating in slanderous banter especially when the only thing they know is based on internet hearsay but hey, maybe I'm giving them a bit too much credit.

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I like how you put the link to this thread in your response to that guy. At least here you not only give both sides, but you've consolidated most of the hate in one thread. Pirate has had how many threads about you so far? For a forum that seems more about making personal attack comments at other forum members than about doing any offroading, you're a really popular guy over there.

Also, his post is gone now. I'm guessing he deleted it when he got scared his employer would see what he said.
Eddie I met you for the first time this weekend. You and your wife were very nice and treated me and my wife Elaine with a lot of respect. There are a lot of great people in this group and it was very nice meeting many of them. I'm not sure where some of these outsiders get their ideas and opinions about you and this forum but life has taught me the jealous and hateful only get satisfaction when they get a response to their insecurities. You and Cindy created something pretty special. Their opinions mean nothing.
I like how you put the link to this thread in your response to that guy. At least here you not only give both sides, but you've consolidated most of the hate in one thread. Pirate has had how many threads about you so far? For a forum that seems more about making personal attack comments at other forum members than about doing any offroading, you're a really popular guy over there.

Also, his post is gone now. I'm guessing he deleted it when he got scared his employer would see what he said.

LOL!! I just noticed that. I'm sure he's on his way over to pirate now to tell everyone how I banned him. What a loser.
Eddie I met you for the first time this weekend. You and your wife were very nice and treated me and my wife Elaine with a lot of respect. There are a lot of great people in this group and it was very nice meeting many of them. I'm not sure where some of these outsiders get their ideas and opinions about you and this forum but life has taught me the jealous and hateful only get satisfaction when they get a response to their insecurities. You and Cindy created something pretty special. Their opinions mean nothing.

Thank you Dean, it was a real pleasure to meet you and your wife over the weekend. As far as the haters go, a VAST MAJORITY of them are guys that have never met me in person and only hate based on what their internet friends have told them. The rest just hate us cause they ain't us :D
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