The Butters JK Build

Tie Rod

So, this past week I tried to adjust my toe in again with a propane torch, PB Blaster and a 2' pipe wrench. I ended up snapping the adjuster anyway. So, the new chromoly tie rod is in today!
...and toe in is finally set :)
Sprayed the inner fenders and rocker panels this weekend.
Waiting to hear back from the local offroad shop about tires, drive train, and pricing.
Looks good! Good luck on your future mod plans! We need to plan a SMORR trip soon. Make sure you do your big mods in the off months.

Thanks! Definitely need to hit SMORR again soon. Hopefully I’ll get everything squared away in the next few weeks. Gotta call the shop again tomorrow. Not having a cell phone during business hours makes for a lot of phone tag.
Well, Dynatrac is 6-8 months behind, so no PR for now... But I'm not driving 2,500 miles on these plugged/worn tires and grease-spitting drive shafts either. I'm thinking I'll have to do the tires and regear now (including the D30 dang it!) and the rear drive shaft. I'll then take the front drive shaft out for the highway driving, put it back in when we get there, then out again for the drive home. I'll just have to cross my fingers that I don't break anything too bad...

Guess I should've planned a little farther in advance lol. All-in-all though I should only be out a few hundred spent on the D30, and it and the drive shaft *should* hold up for one more trip.
I think you can handle 3.21 for a bit with 35s. If your going 37s, I guess that’s another story.

Considering I hate it right now with 33s, I don't really want to for two months. I can't go slower than about 8mph without taking the engine below idle or taking it out of gear. Shit for taking slow obstacles. Even in 2 high I have a hard time going slow enough in parking lots! It's worth a few hundred to me at this point.
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