It sucks how if you use the paper to line it up it comes out about an inch off center. Mine is the exact same way as yours.
i actually didnt use the paper. i measured from the edge of the W and the E. figured that the paper would e a little longer on one side than the other so this would allow for the most acuarate measurment. plus i had to get my Delta Chi sticker back up in the same spot as before lol
Ah so yours is off center on purpose to make room. Or does it just look off due to the other sticker?
Oh well its on I'll live with it just fine.
Just don't drive in front of him because every time you look back it will bother you. Lol
I gotta ask. What was the importance of the level ground? And don't you have JKS adjustable links already? Either way I can't wait to see that rubi bar on your rig.
Oh ok you were measuring. I meant, i thought you were going to use the links you currently had and just keep them there and use the rubi bar with the evo disco. But I guess if you replaced them with the evo links, now you can sell the JKS setup and get a little coin back.
Not a bad idea. Kinda like how Jim sold all of his adjustable stuff and bought evo brackets since they work well with his new springs.
You didn't get the hd gear keeper did you? I got the hd version and it has too much spring tension.
I really like the handheld CB units. I have a Midway lighter plug unit and its surprisingly crystal clear.
If it weren't for me being worried about it being stolen I'd have installed a dedicated unit though where eddie has his. I like the way those look and feel
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