Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

Whoa, this is big 👍🏻🇺🇸

Excellent choice! I bet there will be a flood of retirement paperwork submitted next week at the FBI by corrupt agents. While there are some patriots at the bureau, the upper levels contain progressive elitists who believe the Constitution is an obstacle.

If you are not familiar with Kash Patel this interview is for you.

There’s a lot to unpack, here. We are a nation of laws. That means not only folks just can’t go around breaking them, they can’t make them up or bypass them.

Before the Denver mayor can be arrested, the law and/or regulation violated must be invoked. Second, proper arrest authority must invoked. Otherwise we make a sham of the law.

I’m all for enforcing the law, solving the illegal alien problem and arresting anyone who illegally interferes with the process, but not by ignoring our laws or trampling on our liberties. Any tools we grant to one tyrant, we grant to all.

To another point. We are in the United States Of America. We do not have royalty or autocracy. We do not bestow such titles as king, queen, duke, duchess, emperor or czar. It was wrong for Bush to create a “Drug Czar” and it’s wrong for Trump to create so called “Border Czar”.
Looks like ole Denver mayor got a reality check.
wtf? You seriously post the dumbest shit. They are breaking our laws because they are in America! Go to russia with weed and tell them you don’t need to follow their laws because you did not enter their country under their laws.

Do you seriously think about things before you post or just come up with the dumbest shit you can and post it?
You are totally missing the point that the quagmire of our current legal system grants special "rights" to aliens simply because they successfully entered our country. I am saying that if an alien enters our country they should not enjoy the benefit of hundreds of laws which slow their return to their own country.

Requests for visas or amnesty should be via the State Department at an embassy or consolate in their own country rather than upon appearance on our side of the border.

Talk is cheap! 🤣

Reference use of the military- the Trump administration has been clear that they will be used is a support role and to facilitate administrative duties. Don’t forget both the Biden and Obama administrations used the military in an administrative role but to facilitate entry of the criminal illegals. Weird how that fact never comes up and strange how the Dems always conjure up the most extreme fantasy scenarios to frighten the Low Information Voter.
There’s a lot to unpack, here. We are a nation of laws. That means not only folks just can’t go around breaking them, they can’t make them up or bypass them.

Before the Denver mayor can be arrested, the law and/or regulation violated must be invoked. Second, proper arrest authority must invoked. Otherwise we make a sham of the law.

I’m all for enforcing the law, solving the illegal alien problem and arresting anyone who illegally interferes with the process, but not by ignoring our laws or trampling on our liberties. Any tools we grant to one tyrant, we grant to all.

To another point. We are in the United States Of America. We do not have royalty or autocracy. We do not bestow such titles as king, queen, duke, duchess, emperor or czar. It was wrong for Bush to create a “Drug Czar” and it’s wrong for Trump to create so called “Border Czar”.

Surely you jest? Have you not paid ANY attention to the fuckery that has taken place for the past 8 years? Laws? Jeezus, I could write you pages of laws that have been ignored, stretched, exaggerated & obfuscated by the blob for political purposes. I can't believe you actually wrote this.......
Excellent choice! I bet there will be a flood of retirement paperwork submitted next week at the FBI by corrupt agents. While there are some patriots at the bureau, the upper levels contain progressive elitists who believe the Constitution is an obstacle.

If you are not familiar with Kash Patel this interview is for you.

I went back and listened to this one again. It's like Trump is assembling the Avengers. Pinch me....
Surely you jest? Have you not paid ANY attention to the fuckery that has taken place for the past 8 years? Laws? Jeezus, I could write you pages of laws that have been ignored, stretched, exaggerated & obfuscated by the blob for political purposes. I can't believe you actually wrote this.......
This is as good a time as any to start following the law. There is no need to wait any longer for that.
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