Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

Funny. The Lorax speaks.
The more the people of the blob complain about these picks, the more you know it's the correct one to root these fuckers out

Funny. The Lorax speaks.
The more the people of the blob complain about these picks, the more you know it's the correct one to root these fuckers out

Surely you jest? Have you not paid ANY attention to the fuckery that has taken place for the past 8 years? Laws? Jeezus, I could write you pages of laws that have been ignored, stretched, exaggerated & obfuscated by the blob for political purposes. I can't believe you actually wrote this.......
I do not jest and no one should be surprised I wrote that post.

I am very aware of how the Biden administration has made a mockery of our Constitution, trampled the Bill Of Rights and flagrantly ignored the rule of law. I’m aware several previous administrations were guilty of the same and I have hated every moment. I don’t want the incoming Trump administration to continue such atrocities.

I want Trump to succeed. I want him to keep his campaign promises. Justifying a disregard for the law to “fix things” will only continue our downward spiral.
I do not jest and no one should be surprised I wrote the above.

I am very aware of how the Biden administration has made a mockery of our Constitution, trampled the Bill Of Rights and flagrantly ignored the run of law. I’m aware several previous administrations were guilty of the same and I have hated every moment. I don’t want the incoming Trump administration to continue such atrocities.

I want Trump to succeed. I want him to keep his campaign promises. Justifying a disregard for the law to “fix things” will only continue our downward spiral.
I couldn’t agree more. We all walked into lockdowns and other covid atrocities because Trump was repubican. Had it been Bite me or Odingo we would have been screaming bloody murder and not complied en mass. We allowed Jr Bush to ram through the opposite named patriot act while creating DHS and TSA two of the most egregious affronts to liberty in our lifetimes.
So yes because we are happy our side seemingly won we can’t let our guard down. We have a habit in this country of cheering when our side does something illegal or immoral and screaming when the other side does it. It used to alway be you and me against the politicians regardless red team or blue team we should try to return to that.
I couldn’t agree more. We all walked into lockdowns and other covid atrocities because Trump was repubican. Had it been Bite me or Odingo we would have been screaming bloody murder and not complied en mass. We allowed Jr Bush to ram through the opposite named patriot act while creating DHS and TSA two of the most egregious affronts to liberty in our lifetimes.
So yes because we are happy our side seemingly won we can’t let our guard down. We have a habit in this country of cheering when our side does something illegal or immoral and screaming when the other side does it. It used to alway be you and me against the politicians regardless red team or blue team we should try to return to that.
I do not jest and no one should be surprised I wrote that post.

I am very aware of how the Biden administration has made a mockery of our Constitution, trampled the Bill Of Rights and flagrantly ignored the rule of law. I’m aware several previous administrations were guilty of the same and I have hated every moment. I don’t want the incoming Trump administration to continue such atrocities.

I want Trump to succeed. I want him to keep his campaign promises. Justifying a disregard for the law to “fix things” will only continue our downward spiral.

To be clear: I do not want or expect the Trump administration to flout or ignore any laws, however I do wish them to fully prosecute the fuckers that have done so over the past 8 years
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