There’s a lot to unpack, here. We are a nation of laws. That means not only folks just can’t go around breaking them, they can’t make them up or bypass them.
Before the Denver mayor can be arrested, the law and/or regulation violated must be invoked. Second, proper arrest authority must invoked. Otherwise we make a sham of the law.
I’m all for enforcing the law, solving the illegal alien problem and arresting anyone who illegally interferes with the process, but not by ignoring our laws or trampling on our liberties. Any tools we grant to one tyrant, we grant to all.
To another point. We are in the United States Of America. We do not have royalty or autocracy. We do not bestow such titles as king, queen, duke, duchess, emperor or czar. It was wrong for Bush to create a “Drug Czar” and it’s wrong for Trump to create so called “Border Czar”.