Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

Right, but it is senseless to create a radiation wasteland that can not be occupied for 100 years (as well as facing a backwash of radiation in the attacking country) if seeking world domination.

Regardless, the point is that we live in a fragile society which has survival issues if anything goes wrong. Our society operates less than 90% from the brink of failure.

If the whole electric grid can be induced to melt down by inserting bogus control software, that is the more pleasant way to bring the opposing country to its knees.

The Hiroshima Peace Park was Ground Zero for ‘Little Boy’. The device was detonated at approximately 2,000 feet to maximize blast radius and minimize fallout.

The most interesting thing is that there are people living there today. Most of us picture those locations as nuclear waste zones with mutated creatures and molten or scorched earth. That is not accurate and this fact is not lost on the individuals who would make the decisions to drop more nukes.

In no way do I want to see a nuclear exchange, however it won’t be like many have been led to believe by Hollywood.


Aerial view of the park.

Right, but it is senseless to create a radiation wasteland that can not be occupied for 100 years (as well as facing a backwash of radiation in the attacking country) if seeking world domination.

Regardless, the point is that we live in a fragile society which has survival issues if anything goes wrong. Our society operates less than 90% from the brink of failure.

If the whole electric grid can be induced to melt down by inserting bogus control software, that is the more pleasant way to bring the opposing country to its knees.

The Hiroshima Peace Park was Ground Zero for ‘Little Boy’. The device was detonated at approximately 2,000 feet to maximize blast radius and minimize fallout.

The most interesting thing is that there are people living there today. Most of us picture those locations as nuclear waste zones with mutated creatures and molten or scorched earth. That is not accurate and this fact is not lost on the individuals who would make the decisions to drop more nukes.

In no way do I want to see a nuclear exchange, however it won’t be like many have been led to believe by Hollywood.

View attachment 413740

Aerial view of the park.

View attachment 413741
Don't modern nukes use devices the size of those small nukes as triggers? Modern thermonuclear bombs are non survivable, no? We're not building parks over those sites in 50 years
Don't modern nukes use devices the size of those small nukes as triggers? Modern thermonuclear bombs are non survivable, no? We're not building parks over those sites in 50 years

A bigger yield device means a bigger bursting radius it does not mean that it’s any more ‘nasty’ or it will have any more persistent radioactivity.

When you go to get an x-ray (a form of radiation) that exposure does not make you radioactive. Yes it can damage you if you receive too large of a dose but it does not make you or the chair you are sitting in radioactive. Making things radioactive is complicated, thats why enrichment is so time consuming and expensive. The Japanese at ground zero received burns and radiation poisoning, they did not become radioactive.

Like I said, I definitely don’t want to see any more world wars- nuclear or conventional, however there are ‘leaders’ that believe that Russia is bluffing and won’t use a nuke or that we can survive a nuclear exchange (or at least they can hidden in a bunker) and that is pretty scary.
Your future president ladies and gentlemen.

"So listen, we destroyed the middle class within the first week of the biden administration to create the poor and elite ruling classes.
I grew up in the middle class that no longer exists but listen, I plan to make this a more socialist government and have the government lift those people up into the middle class so long as they fall in line and obey my government.
It's not We the People and those with the freedom and self-starting, ambitious attitudes we want to succeed, we want those that will pledge allegiance to the government, not the Constitution nor America flag.
I plan to redesign the flag to be one that is for all people (again, all people are those that we chose and fall inline) and the global world order I will lead America the-had-been into, we are leaving the past behind and beginning the new world order.
I will be a leader that brings everyone that agrees with me together, all others will be eliminated"

Whiplash on her change of positions is painful, she is an excellent liar.
Every city manager is going to say it isn't happening. Who wants to be the city known to have pet eaters? I didn't really care if it were true or not while the awesome memes were arriving, but there does seem to be videos of people living in that city saying they've seen it. I tend to believe anybody but the government and media so I'm biased I guess.
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