Right, but it is senseless to create a radiation wasteland that can not be occupied for 100 years (as well as facing a backwash of radiation in the attacking country) if seeking world domination.
Regardless, the point is that we live in a fragile society which has survival issues if anything goes wrong. Our society operates less than 90% from the brink of failure.
If the whole electric grid can be induced to melt down by inserting bogus control software, that is the more pleasant way to bring the opposing country to its knees.
The Hiroshima Peace Park was Ground Zero for ‘Little Boy’. The device was detonated at approximately 2,000 feet to maximize blast radius and minimize fallout.
The most interesting thing is that there are people living there today. Most of us picture those locations as nuclear waste zones with mutated creatures and molten or scorched earth. That is not accurate and this fact is not lost on the individuals who would make the decisions to drop more nukes.
In no way do I want to see a nuclear exchange, however it won’t be like many have been led to believe by Hollywood.

Aerial view of the park.