Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

I understand your frustration and I am all for holding the Fed-Gov accountable. I also believe that elaborate conspiracies actually help the Fed-Gov avoid being held accountable by providing a distraction and cover from the actual issues and also by discrediting the individuals attempting to gain accountability. It’s like the people who claim a plane did not crash into the Pentagon on 9-11. It did, my friend was an eye witness to it- conspiracy theorists have actually argued with him about it and claim it was “faked” to invade Iraq and “get all the oil”. That shit distracts from all the horrible failures that led to 9-11 and all the miscalculations by experts afterwards.

Uvalde was a combination of incompetence and cowardice. There is video to prove that. Vegas and the Nashville Explosion are still a mystery and do need to be explained. As far as JFK, the answer to that is when Trump gets elected he needs to appoint RFK junior as director of the Agency and have him clean house. Again, I am all for getting to bottom of things but for the love of God let’s not go off the deep end. The starting point should always be looking for incompetence, greed, DEI, and corruption. Also most conspiracy theories give WAY too much credit to the Fed-Gov, they are not capable of all that stuff.

For example:
Choice #1: A friend of Jill Biden’s is appointed to a position she is wholly unqualified for and has made hiring 30% women and other DEI crap her priorities causing a dysfunctional environment thus driving away competent employees. She diverted resources to her friend’s details and appointed incompetent mid-level management causing an environment of chaos leading to multiple points of failure.

Choice #2: The Agency brainwashed a troubled young man with UHF sound waves and trained him to be a SOCOM Level sniper. They set up offshore accounts for him and made him believe he would be successful at his endeavors and then escape to an overseas location. As a backup the Agency had a second shooter on the water tower who was made to look like the first shooter through plastic surgery that way if anyone saw him they would think he was the same guy. There was also a third shooter who was in a tree in case the first two shooters failed their mission. Improvised explosive devices were planted at various locations but the batteries in the remote were alkaline and the remote malfunctioned. This was all financed by Blackrock.
I can see where you are coming from but please don’t make me choose between choice #1 or #2. I believe all of choice #1, but then there is the coincidence There might be 1 coincidence but when you are hearing and seeing reports of 5 or 6 coincidences you have to think, what are the odds of this many stacking up. Some of the coincidences are major. For example a finance company tries to buy 12 million shares of a stock at a short sale. They would be beyond rich if the stock prices tanks, like an assassination of the head figure of said company. But the assassination attempt is not successful. The finance company, instead of loosing everything blames it on a fat finger and the transaction is taken away. If you or I tried this we would not have the transaction taken away and would Probably be investigated. That starts making Choice #2 more believable.

And as far as a SOCOM qualified sniper goes at 150 yards with an AR15 you wouldn’t have to be a sniper in fact a basic beginner could make that shot.

Let’s not forget the government won’t tell anyone the truth about JFK or some other conspiracy theories
I’ve been getting that for a month now. I don’t want to, but in reality my email has been out there for years. I might cave and give in, still deciding.
When you do so you are creating another anchor point in the several huge webs of trackers and advertising related companies who track what you do, where you are, what you are interested in, and control what is presented to you on today's totalitarian "Internet". Cookies (small hidden files with code to be replayed) will be added to your device which allows it to be identified wherever you go. In addition to cookies, various metadata is captured to identify you with an almost certainly wherever you go, even when you are not "logged in".

Unfortunately, simple decisions are not so simple these days. 😞
I really don’t understand how she isn’t fired or hasn’t resigned at this point.

Haven’t seen the video of the sketch ball walking around outside the fence.
Democrats admit they fucked up.. yeah right.
But now I’m filling out a form for guerrilla mail instead of fox. Do you trust them?

I don’t fully trust anyone. There are levels of anonymity, and it all depends on how much work and $ you want to invest. You can sign up for a ‘junk’ email account that you use for things like Fox.

If you want to go full anonymity: buy an android pay as you go phone cash. Activate the phone with an alias in a Starbaux at least 5 miles from your house. Use the new phone number to sign up for gmail with the alias. Use Playstore gift cards bought with cash to install a VPN. Never turn the phone on within 5 miles of your house, near your personal phone, near your Jeep, near the phone of anyone you know. Store the phone off, in airplane mode, with WiFi and BT off and wrapped in tinfoil and in a military ammo can. Never visit any website that you have an account for and never sign into that or any personal account. Tape over the both cameras on the phone. Do not use facial ID or finger prints. Do not surf any websites that you normally visit. Even with all of this you will not have total anonymity from a state actor who is determined to know who you are. 🤣😂
I don’t fully trust anyone. There are levels of anonymity, and it all depends on how much work and $ you want to invest. You can sign up for a ‘junk’ email account that you use for things like Fox.

If you want to go full anonymity: buy an android pay as you go phone cash. Activate the phone with an alias in a Starbaux at least 5 miles from your house. Use the new phone number to sign up for gmail with the alias. Use Playstore gift cards bought with cash to install a VPN. Never turn the phone on within 5 miles of your house, near your personal phone, near your Jeep, near the phone of anyone you know. Store the phone off, in airplane mode, with WiFi and BT off and wrapped in tinfoil and in a military ammo can. Never visit any website that you have an account for and never sign into that or any personal account. Tape over the both cameras on the phone. Do not use facial ID or finger prints. Do not surf any websites that you normally visit. Even with all of this you will not have total anonymity from a state actor who is determined to know who you are. 🤣😂
This is my phone, I think I'm safe.......

I don’t fully trust anyone. There are levels of anonymity, and it all depends on how much work and $ you want to invest. You can sign up for a ‘junk’ email account that you use for things like Fox.

If you want to go full anonymity: buy an android pay as you go phone cash. Activate the phone with an alias in a Starbaux at least 5 miles from your house. Use the new phone number to sign up for gmail with the alias. Use Playstore gift cards bought with cash to install a VPN. Never turn the phone on within 5 miles of your house, near your personal phone, near your Jeep, near the phone of anyone you know. Store the phone off, in airplane mode, with WiFi and BT off and wrapped in tinfoil and in a military ammo can. Never visit any website that you have an account for and never sign into that or any personal account. Tape over the both cameras on the phone. Do not use facial ID or finger prints. Do not surf any websites that you normally visit. Even with all of this you will not have total anonymity from a state actor who is determined to know who you are. 🤣😂
Zero trust! The best anonymity advice ever!
I don’t fully trust anyone. There are levels of anonymity, and it all depends on how much work and $ you want to invest. You can sign up for a ‘junk’ email account that you use for things like Fox.

If you want to go full anonymity: buy an android pay as you go phone cash. Activate the phone with an alias in a Starbaux at least 5 miles from your house. Use the new phone number to sign up for gmail with the alias. Use Playstore gift cards bought with cash to install a VPN. Never turn the phone on within 5 miles of your house, near your personal phone, near your Jeep, near the phone of anyone you know. Store the phone off, in airplane mode, with WiFi and BT off and wrapped in tinfoil and in a military ammo can. Never visit any website that you have an account for and never sign into that or any personal account. Tape over the both cameras on the phone. Do not use facial ID or finger prints. Do not surf any websites that you normally visit. Even with all of this you will not have total anonymity from a state actor who is determined to know who you are. 🤣😂
Sounds like you know from experience.
I really don’t understand how she isn’t fired or hasn’t resigned at this point.

Haven’t seen the video of the sketch ball walking around outside the fence.
The only ones who can fire her are Mayorkas and Brandon and you know neither are going to do that.
The only ones who can fire her are Mayorkas and Brandon and you know neither are going to do that.
Lots to unpack in that article.

This is interesting:
“A Steam user profile seen by NBC News used the name Thomas M. Crooks, but it appears that the profile's handle was changed from a previous username Sunday afternoon — the day after the shooting — according to an archive of the profile collected by SteamID, a website not affiliated with Steam or Valve that tracks Steam user pages.”

Also from the article:

“Investigators say they are still looking for what might have motivated Crooks to shoot at him. Investigators looked into Crooks’ internet history and found that he made searches this month specific to Trump, a rally and the Democratic National Committee, according to a senior U.S. law enforcement official.”

Language is everything and it’s apparent that NBC is trying to down play the attempted assassination with the term “shoot at him”. 🤬

My take is the SS director and likely her bosses see her most important mission as advancing DEI and that is at stake if she resigns. The top person in any Fed-Gov agency sets policy objectives, they do not lead day to day operations although their policies can make life miserable or bearable for the employees.
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