I started it but couldn't finish. That guy is such a little commie bitch. Wish he'd leave the country but he's paid too well to stay here and bash this country.Captain butthurt chimes in.
I got through about 45 seconds.I started it but couldn't finish. That guy is such a little commie bitch. Wish he'd leave the country but he's paid too well to stay here and bash this country.
Fuck himCaptain butthurt chimes in.
Love it ! lol. A bit disappointed on his H1B statements - we shall see how that pans out. Everything else is music to my ears.
LOL - I like how MSN is trying so hard to make his departure into a negative thing. There've been signs he would make a run for office for quite some time now and if he really were in bad graces with the orange man bad, he'd be sent packing a long time ago and not have such a prominent position at the inauguration.
Also the fact that if he were in bad graces Trump would roast him like he does everyone else.LOL - I like how MSN is trying so hard to make his departure into a negative thing. There've been signs he would make a run for office for quite some time now and if he really were in bad graces with the orange man bad, he'd be sent packing a long time ago and not have such a prominent position at the inauguration.
Right? As if he holds back for anything LOLAlso the fact that if he were in bad graces Trump would roast him like he does everyone else.
IMO Vivek kinda sucks - he's a great orator... he got 1 lucky break on a drug - everything else he's done has been mediocre imo. His position on H1B is bullshit. I am not for importing mediocre engineers - when we have plenty of them here already homegrown. If your going to make the case for H1B shoot for top tier talent and odds are 1 country isn't going to have the monoply on that.LOL - I like how MSN is trying so hard to make his departure into a negative thing. There've been signs he would make a run for office for quite some time now and if he really were in bad graces with the orange man bad, he'd be sent packing a long time ago and not have such a prominent position at the inauguration.
LOL - well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion but I still don't think he got the boot from the orange man bad. Me, I still like him but then, that's just me.IMO Vivek kinda sucks - he's a great orator... he got 1 lucky break on a drug - everything else he's done has been mediocre imo. His position on H1B is bullshit. I am not for importing mediocre engineers - when we have plenty of them here already homegrown. If your going to make the case for H1B shoot for top tier talent and odds are 1 country isn't going to have the monoply on that.
Most H1B recipients are brought in so that companies can pay less - not for talent we don't already have. It would be nice to see top tier Doctors, physicists, and actual top talent engineers have a shot - not mediocre sys admins, call center folks and Doctors that are better off as butchers (than being actual doctors).
Musk at the very least has built businesses and driven industries far forward... Vivek hasn't done any of that.
But Hunter getting a pardon is kosher.
Pelosi calls pardons for Jan. 6 defendants ‘shameful’
Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi said Trump’s actions to pardon and commute sentences of those convicted in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack are “shameful.”
“The President’s actions are an outrageous insult to our justice system and the heroes who suffered physical scars and emotional trauma as they protected the Capitol, the Congress and the Constitution,” Pelosi said in a statement. “It is shameful that the President has decided to make one of his top priorities the abandonment and betrayal of police officers who put their lives on the line to stop an attempt to subvert the peaceful transfer of power.”
She said that despite Trump’s decision, the country must remember the “extraordinary courage and valor of the law enforcement heroes who stood in the breach and ensured that democracy survived on that dark day.”
fuck this no talent crying fuckCaptain butthurt chimes in.