Sok66 / Jerry McGeorge - Eddie is a Dick and I Have PROUDLY BEEN SELF Banned Again

I hope so too. As I always say, I can't make this shit up. Dave, the owner of Poly/Synergy, can't stand me but I think even he is an honest enough guy to set the record straight.

Maybe that's why he left his business card on my jeep when I was in Utah back in March. :crazyeyes:
I hope so too. As I always say, I can't make this shit up. Dave, the owner of Poly/Synergy, can't stand me but I think even he is an honest enough guy to set the record straight.

Funniest part is this assclown claims to have first hand knowledge of witnessing the break, someone else who WAS there says, no your mistaken. Yet he STILL remains adamant he (LIE) saw it first hand. True psychopath. And man he sure has a "thing" for you. ALMOST as bad as Matti.
Funniest part is this assclown claims to have first hand knowledge of witnessing the break, someone else who WAS there says, no your mistaken. Yet he STILL remains adamant he (LIE) saw it first hand. True psychopath. And man he sure has a "thing" for you. ALMOST as bad as Matti.

Maybe they are related? :thinking:
Well, there you have it folks. Yet again, some completely full of shit asshat has been busted. The facts are the facts, and this guy was wrong. Just like he continues to be wrong about being banned.

So here is the next question, will Mr. Asshat actually have the honor to step forward, say he was wrong, and apologize for telling lies? I think we all know the answer to that question.
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Here it is. I actually remember this. Here is the link if it has not been posted already.

Great find. I captured screen shots too, just so they can't somehow alter that initial post.

Screen Shot 2014-10-14 at 8.13.45 PM.jpg
Screen Shot 2014-10-14 at 8.15.02 PM.jpg

I think this is just one example of proof of what all these trolls constantly do to look cool on other forums. Fabricate facts and then put those facts out there for others to see with no context or proof. I hope the haters see this thread and then see your link for JKO. As we've said all along, Eddie gets a bad wrap and as friends, we know the truth and stand beside him and this forum. If that somehow makes us Kool Aid drinkers, so be it. :drinks:
LOL! The funniest part about all this is that all the pirate/JKO losers will believe this guy's BS and embrace him if only because their hate for me is greater.
So, are none of the pirate guys smart enough to check the JKO thread and post the same thing that was posted here? Unbelievable.
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