Sok66 / Jerry McGeorge - Eddie is a Dick and I Have PROUDLY BEEN SELF Banned Again

SoK66 is so full of shit. He is now spreading his lies on the Pirate hate thread. You would think that most of the people on JKO and Pirate would know of Wayoflife's past relationship with Poly Performance/Synergy.

There is no way in hell that he would have any of their parts on his JK or participate in one of their runs. If they believe this story it just goes to show how gullible the haters are.

I was there with a bunch of other friends on this Wayoflife run. There were no problems with Eddie's OEM track bar. This is a total bullshit story.
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That was Kha Ly (Poison Spyder). It was a control arm bracket on his white jeep, and TnT Customs welded it back on. A different guy broke his front Synergy trackbar, and the guys with the Synergy rig swapped trackbars with him, and then nursed their rig out with ratchet straps. EJS and Golden Spike, but mistaken identity.
That was Kha Ly (Poison Spyder). It was a control arm bracket on his white jeep, and TnT Customs welded it back on. A different guy broke his front Synergy trackbar, and the guys with the Synergy rig swapped trackbars with him, and then nursed their rig out with ratchet straps. EJS and Golden Spike, but mistaken identity.

soooooooooo this guy got the story right....just none of the details! WOL is a dick!
I miss the days of when this forum was smaller and more family like and less full of these.... searching for a word that isnt retard I could make a huge list ill jsut keep it at that...
There have always been, and will always be, jealous asshats who are too dense to realize the absurdity of that which flows from their mouths like diarrhea from a baby's bum.

Their hatred and jealousy will burn them up. So be it.
Not worth responding, Eddie. You have no interest in factual discussions on these matters. I'm not sure what Teraflex ever did to you but it's obvious you cant have an adult discussion about their Company or products. Good luck with your little club house here.

as you can see in YOUR above response, If its not worth responding to, why are you responding...?

There have always been, and will always be, jealous asshats who are too dense to realize the absurdity of that which flows from their mouths like diarrhea from a baby's bum.

Their hatred and jealousy will burn them up. So be it.

This is so true, it's sad people have to go through life full of hatred and drama and have nothing better to do than cause trouble
SoK66 is so full of shit. He is now spreading his lies on the Pirate hate thread. You would think that most of the people on JKO and Pirate would know of Wayoflife's past relationship with Poly Performance/Synergy.

There is no way in hell that he would have any of their parts on his JK or participate in one of their runs. If they believe this story it just goes to show how gullible the haters are.

I was there with a bunch of other friends on this Wayoflife run. There were no problems with Eddie's OEM track bar. This is a total bullshit story.
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That is just AWESOME!! :cheesy:

That was Kha Ly (Poison Spyder). It was a control arm bracket on his white jeep, and TnT Customs welded it back on. A different guy broke his front Synergy trackbar, and the guys with the Synergy rig swapped trackbars with him, and then nursed their rig out with ratchet straps. EJS and Golden Spike, but mistaken identity.

:cheesy: Now, I know all Asians look the same but for this Jerry McGeroge guy to confuse the two of us as being the same is just ridiculous. To selectively mix and match what really happened and try to pass it off as FACT is just stupid!

soooooooooo this guy got the story right....just none of the details! WOL is a dick!

Yup, that about sums it up :yup:

Wrong Jeep, wrong people, wrong run. Maybe Jerry has a case of - Can't Remember Shit.

I don't think he was trying to remember a thing. Sok66 Jerry is just into making shit up and trying to pass it along as fact.
I'm thinking since Jerry has posted/published threats with the clear intent to hurt Wayalife business as well as posted/publish false stories with the intent of further hurting Wayalife business on other sites and continues to spread these false stories with the intent to continue hurting Wayalife business, Jerry's actions smell of slander with malicious intent.

I don't understand the mentality "if it's online I have a right to do as I please". The law now takes many of the types of threats made online just as serious as if they were made in person with physical contact. It's one thing to banter and another to threaten.

All these guys posting so much hate fail to understand that this is a business and as a business it has the right to conduct business with who it choses. Access to members is paid for by the sponsors and is a privilege to join. Anyone remember when you use to pay for a browser?

I read and look at failures the same way I read about recommendations, it's all additional knowledge to go with any research I've already done. I've seen the Jeep market grow and with it the marketing mantra of "cheap stock parts you must replace them". It's a for profit industry, they are in the business of making money and the more they can make you believe that you need to "replace it", the more they win. Everyone's needs vary depending on use, in the end you have to put on your big boy pants and make the decision for yourself. If someone doesn't agree so what - it's your money spend it how you like. No need to go to such levels of hate just because someone disagrees or shows broken parts. :twocents: :drinks:
I'm thinking since Jerry has posted/published threats with the clear intent to hurt Wayalife business as well as posted/publish false stories with the intent of further hurting Wayalife business on other sites and continues to spread these false stories with the intent to continue hurting Wayalife business, Jerry's actions smell of slander with malicious intent.

I don't understand the mentality "if it's online I have a right to do as I please". The law now takes many of the types of threats made online just as serious as if they were made in person with physical contact. It's one thing to banter and another to threaten.

All these guys posting so much hate fail to understand that this is a business and as a business it has the right to conduct business with who it choses. Access to members is paid for by the sponsors and is a privilege to join. Anyone remember when you use to pay for a browser?

I read and look at failures the same way I read about recommendations, it's all additional knowledge to go with any research I've already done. I've seen the Jeep market grow and with it the marketing mantra of "cheap stock parts you must replace them". It's a for profit industry, they are in the business of making money and the more they can make you believe that you need to "replace it", the more they win. Everyone's needs vary depending on use, in the end you have to put on your big boy pants and make the decision for yourself. If someone doesn't agree so what - it's your money spend it how you like. No need to go to such levels of hate just because someone disagrees or shows broken parts. :twocents: :drinks:

No no no, didn't you read the pirate thread? Eddie is the one slandering others businesses, threatening their families and asking about their addresses to send them packages and drop their wives off.
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