Sok66 / Jerry McGeorge - Eddie is a Dick and I Have PROUDLY BEEN SELF Banned Again

:cheesy: As if I really could even if there were anything for me to cover up. Of course, nobody has to take my word for it. Anyone can call up Synergy directly, ask for the owner Dave and have him tell you what he thinks of me or if any of this is true. :cheesy:

Naw I will just fall into the Zone of Influence and hang on your every word. :crazyeyes:

If there is one thing I have seen on this forum is the truth is black and white, if you do not like the truth then go somewhere else.

I can see Eddie now the Colonel Nathan Jessup, from a Few Good Men, You want the truth, You cannot handle the Truth.

I'd love to see how terajunk treats Jerry boy here when his fanboy products break...

Sent from my whatchamacallit
I'd love to see how terajunk treats Jerry boy here when his fanboy products break...

Sent from my whatchamacallit

:thinking: Ya, then he will blame Eddie for the break :crazyeyes:, say he put Hexes and Cures on his jeep. :hmm:
Naw I will just fall into the Zone of Influence and hang on your every word. :crazyeyes:

If there is one thing I have seen on this forum is the truth is black and white, if you do not like the truth then go somewhere else.

I can see Eddie now the Colonel Nathan Jessup, from a Few Good Men, You want the truth, You cannot handle the Truth.

View attachment 105452

It's missing the ponytail, lol.
It's missing the ponytail, lol.

Fixed it


you want to investigate me, roll the dice and take your chances. .... truth, because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that WAL, You need me on that WAL
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SoK66 is so full of shit. He is now spreading his lies on the Pirate hate thread. You would think that most of the people on JKO and Pirate would know of Wayoflife's past relationship with Poly Performance/Synergy.

There is no way in hell that he would have any of their parts on his JK or participate in one of their runs. If they believe this story it just goes to show how gullible the haters are.

I was there with a bunch of other friends on this Wayoflife run. There were no problems with Eddie's OEM track bar. This is a total bullshit story.
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Maybe his teachers didn't teach SoK66 this. :hmm: IMG_261305190408873.jpeg :doh:
Even though Renee, who is pretty far up the chain of command at Pirate4x4, has debunked his make believe story.

SoK66 is still sticking with his lies. He's not banned here, why doesn't he reply!
Even though Renee, who is pretty far up the chain of command at Pirate4x4, has debunked his make believe story.
View attachment 105499

SoK66 is still sticking with his lies. He's not banned here, why doesn't he reply!
View attachment 105500

So funny!! It really does show that we are the bigger people in this whole matter by not going over there and starting suff. I just cant believe some people action in this day and age. people just dont think before they say/post stuff for the world to see.
Hey Jerry McGeorge,
Stop telling lies and making up stories, you are NOT banned from this forum. Here is the proof:

Now grow a pair of balls and post away.
Lmao, everyone is telling him wasn't Eddie, but he still believes. My favorite is him make believing he is banned from here. But yet he doesn't "fabricate tales".
BTW, we have broken many times in Moab and once on Double Whammy. There were many witnesses and as always I did in fact document it. If Jerry McGeorge really were there that day, there would be no mistake in what he saw. Plain and simple, Jerry McGeorge is a liar and makes up stories.
BTW, we have broken many times in Moab and once on Double Whammy. There were many witnesses and as always I did in fact document it. If Jerry McGeorge really were there that day, there would be no mistake in what he saw. Plain and simple, Jerry McGeorge is a liar and makes up stories.

I really hope synergy posts up about his lie. I can't wait to see Jerry boys response to that.
I really hope synergy posts up about his lie. I can't wait to see Jerry boys response to that.

I hope so too. As I always say, I can't make this shit up. Dave, the owner of Poly/Synergy, can't stand me but I think even he is an honest enough guy to set the record straight.
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