Shower Thoughts

Taking this many vaccinations can in no way be healthy for you. Even something that can be beneficial or even required for life is bad for you if you have too much. Drinking too much water will kill you.

View attachment 419061
Yup. And what generation has all the allergies and intolerances? Oh somewhere around the 1986 born people?

Also, I thought you were going to say drinking too much alcohol but then I remembered who was posting.
Federal workers are making lengthy TikTok videos complaining about Elon's email, lol. I bet replying to the email would take less time than that.
It used to be common for employers to require their salaried employees to submit short status summaries to management each week, or every pay period. I have often encountered requirements to account for my time and charge it to particular project/task ID numbers or cost centers.

Working for the government must have become easy street with hardly any management at all.
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