Rubicon trip October 3rd-5th

So when we take off for home from the trail I have this thumping sound coming from the rear of the rig, I check the spare it is tight, tail gate shut, underneath is all rock solid so we press on, every little bump thud - not loud but very predictable. Now I'm starting to think maybe it is under the jeep, pull over crawl around and pull on everything all is good. open up the back and look for something rolling in my tool tub or ice chest, I have convinced myself by now it is something round and tubular that is rocking back and forth.... It is driving me nuts and I can't find it so I press on. Now let me back up in time on the trip. Bobby was packed super efficient this trip but since I was solo I offered to Sherpa some of his stuff while on the trail, no worries Bobby had my whole back seat to use - Perfect. Now back on the trail Day 1 we are progressing up the Granite Bowl area and Bobby has gone back for something - we all shrug, he returns not finding what he was in seek of. I ask him what he is looking for and he tells me I lost my coffee cup. I reply with "did you look in my Jeep?" ........ "Nah I just had it awhile ago" Ok so off we go.

Well now back to today.... I am un loading the back still looking for the noise.... as I pull out my tool tub this is laying on its side rolling back and forth back and forth!:doh:

2014-10-06 12.36.06.jpg
So when we take off for home from the trail I have this thumping sound coming from the rear of the rig, I check the spare it is tight, tail gate shut, underneath is all rock solid so we press on, every little bump thud - not loud but very predictable. Now I'm starting to think maybe it is under the jeep, pull over crawl around and pull on everything all is good. open up the back and look for something rolling in my tool tub or ice chest, I have convinced myself by now it is something round and tubular that is rocking back and forth.... It is driving me nuts and I can't find it so I press on. Now let me back up in time on the trip. Bobby was packed super efficient this trip but since I was solo I offered to Sherpa some of his stuff while on the trail, no worries Bobby had my whole back seat to use - Perfect. Now back on the trail Day 1 we are progressing up the Granite Bowl area and Bobby has gone back for something - we all shrug, he returns not finding what he was in seek of. I ask him what he is looking for and he tells me I lost my coffee cup. I reply with "did you look in my Jeep?" ........ "Nah I just had it awhile ago" Ok so off we go.

Well now back to today.... I am un loading the back still looking for the noise.... as I pull out my tool tub this is laying on its side rolling back and forth back and forth!:doh:

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OMG!!! He'll be soooo happy!!!

Oh and by the way, we still have your blanket that you placed your doors on. We'll bring it the next time we see you :)
Classic! Lol,
Man that's where that mug went. I'm glad I went back there cause I got some really cool faraway shots of the group.

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Day 1

A few of us camped and Loon the night before. Weather was perfect.










I will try to post all the days in order................. please stand by.......
Day 2

Day 2 plan was to meet up at 9ish and head out for Buck Island to camp ...

Warning there are a lot of pictures of Bobby on little Sluce and I don't know why :rolleyes2:




















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First of all Thank you to all for putting this trip on! :beer:

My Rig: handled beautifully - Well beyond my own driving abilities!

Damage: All superficial, The VDP Stubby caps do not clear 37" tires in extreme conditions - They shot off like out of a gun on Old Sluce LOL!
Plastic dent on stock bumper - But it goes anyways - The rest is all scraps and scratches right where they are supposed to be - EVO Sliders made me look good :thumb:

Regret: Not trying Soup Bowl :doh:

I learned so much from this group - Thank you all for your help!

Hats off To Bronco and CJ you guys did awesome and were there in the end with all of us! :cheers:
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