Recent Shooting and Discussion

PTSD has nothing to do with these types of events. Vets with ptsd definitely still have the ability to make conscious decisions and are still responsible for their actions. The simple fact that he was able to select his target at a very vulnerable and crowded venue shows that he was able to think “rationally” and make a conscious decision. Just about everyone transitioning out of the military has some level of difficulty adjusting to civilian life. That’s just part of the process and not an excuse to commit these heinous acts of domestic terrorism (my opinionated definition). Personally I find it disgusting that this coward is being referenced as a former Marine. He doesn’t deserve the association and (to me) is lower than the shit on the bottom of my shoe.

Furthermore, this just reinforces the fact that you can’t legislate these problems out of existence. High cap mags are illegal in California, yet still readily available with a simple drive across a state border or an online order.

Just my 2 cents.

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^^^ This! F#@k That guy.
Change is tough.
Everyone has their own ideas what needs to be done. Of course their solution is the only right one.

Don’t disagree. Only thing tougher than change in this case is the willingness to even consider change. If people think they are right, they are wrong. More than one solution is needed. But if “we” can’t even have a serious dialog, how can we possibly change. Doing nothing as we’ve always done is insane.
Don’t disagree. Only thing tougher than change in this case is the willingness to even consider change. If people think they are right, they are wrong. More than one solution is needed. But if “we” can’t even have a serious dialog, how can we possibly change. Doing nothing as we’ve always done is insane.


Don’t disagree. Only thing tougher than change in this case is the willingness to even consider change. If people think they are right, they are wrong. More than one solution is needed. But if “we” can’t even have a serious dialog, how can we possibly change. Doing nothing as we’ve always done is insane.

Unfortunately I believe the answer is.... there isn’t one. There aren’t 5, 10, 20 or 100 solutions that could stop Crazy. Its always been lurking in the shadows and always will be.... only difference now, is that the Social Media, News Media, Entertainment Industry and Medical Industry are fueling the fire more then ever. But.... I sincerely hope you’re right and some dialog can fix it.
Is it fucked up that some idiot walks into, well anywhere, and just randomly starts shooting people? Yes. Is it a "tragedy"? No.
Is it the fault of an inanimate object that could set there forever and never cause harm to anyone or thing? Nope, sure isn't. And, no, it has nothing to do with what it was designed for. There is only One weapon and its housed within the lump that sets upon your shoulders, everything else is just a tool, whether it be a hammer, knife, axe, car, broken bottle's or firearm ect..
The true tragedy is that we are coming into the age where an alarming amount of whiny assed, butt hurt little pussies that have been appeased by whatever means necessary to keep them from being an annoyance to their parents, teachers, administrators ect.. That this alarming number of youths have been taught that they can get whatever they want by complaining, making a spectacle of themselves or going off the deep end without any punishment or accountability is but one cause of many why current events have been happening as they have.
That these youths have have never been taught those lessons that our parents, grandparents and selves (somewhat) have been taught because it became qrong to punish a child for making a mistake, and No, taking the fucking phone away isn't a punishment. By not being taught that there are consequences for doing wrong or taught self-respect or how to interact with others or morals or temperance they also haven't learned wisdom. Pain. It is and always has been the best teacher on the planet. And, you can discipline children without abusing them, specifically if they're made intricately aware of why they're being punished and it's usex as a teaching tool.
Since the beginning of the age of everyone has to be equal, things have truly declined. Why, you might ask. Well because from that point everything's been geared to the Lowest common denominator. In essence the system has been setup to make children stupid because they only have to be as intelligent as the dumbest kid.
Now add 20+ years to this scenario and we have a large number of youths that are getting a large and not friendly wakeup call from how life really works and they're simply not capable of dealing with it.
On a daily basis I see the effects of this shit from preschool to professional work environments.
So, you parents that appease your children and don't teach them anything useful go take a hard look in the nearest mirror and you'll see one who is to blame.
Now take this thought, be pissed if you wish, but the simple truth is that Truth is what it is, it doesn't care about your tender ass or your fucking sensitive feelings.

That's a powerful statement and so true to reality. I applaud you Sir!
Unfortunately I believe the answer is.... there isn’t one. There aren’t 5, 10, 20 or 100 solutions that could stop Crazy. Its always been lurking in the shadows and always will be.... only difference now, is that the Social Media, News Media, Entertainment Industry and Medical Industry are fueling the fire more then ever. But.... I sincerely hope you’re right and some dialog can fix it.

Dialog can’t start when the opening statement is there is no answer. That’s what they call a non-starter. So there in lies the main problem. You mentioned a lot of causes except for the one that is likely uncomfortable for you.

You are right though. There isn’t one answer. Many things need to change. Doing nothing is pretty fucked up.
Dialog can’t start when the opening statement is there is no answer. That’s what they call a non-starter. So there in lies the main problem. You mentioned a lot of causes except for the one that is likely uncomfortable for you.

You are right though. There isn’t one answer. Many things need to change. Doing nothing is pretty fucked up.

No, just being realistic in that you can’t fix Crazy... And being realistic that we don’t live in a Utopia where all guns, explosives, knives etc... will disappear. It’s not a “non-starter”... it’s a sad truth. I’m 100% in favor of finding solutions and discussing the issues... trust me, I think about it a lot. But I’m pretty sure your “uncomfortable” solution is gun bans... and again, thats not going to Fix Crazy.
No, just being realistic in that you can’t fix Crazy... And being realistic that we don’t live in a Utopia where all guns, explosives, knives etc... will disappear. It’s not a “non-starter”... it’s a sad truth. I’m 100% in favor of finding solutions and discussing the issues... trust me, I think about it a lot. But I’m pretty sure your “uncomfortable” solution is gun bans... and again, thats not going to Fix Crazy.

Unfortunately this is true. Crazy will always exist and find a way. So the solution is to fix crazy, but then what defines crazy? Slippery slope for sure.

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Just saw on the news that the shooter posted on Facebook “I hope they call me insane .. wouldn’t that just be a big ball of irony? Yea, I’m insane, but the only thing you people do after these shootings is ‘hopes and prayers’… or ‘keep you in my thoughts’ .. every time .. and wonder why these keep happening….”

Oh and then right after that I saw where a dude drove a van into a crowd of people in Australia where guns are illegal. Must be the guns that are killing people.

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Just saw on the news that the shooter posted on Facebook “I hope they call me insane .. wouldn’t that just be a big ball of irony? Yea, I’m insane, but the only thing you people do after these shootings is ‘hopes and prayers’… or ‘keep you in my thoughts’ .. every time .. and wonder why these keep happening….”

Oh and then right after that I saw where a dude drove a van into a crowd of people in Australia where guns are illegal. Must be the guns that are killing people.

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I think the guy in Australia did that and jumped out and stabbed 3 people so if you can’t get a gun grab a knife, and also didn’t the shooter make posts while he was shooting? How the fuck do you do that?

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I think the guy in Australia did that and jumped out and stabbed 3 people so if you can’t get a gun grab a knife, and also didn’t the shooter make posts while he was shooting? How the fuck do you do that?

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Yeah he did. That’s the quote that I put. He posted that while shooting people. Dude was a nut job. Has nothing to do with the guns.

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Yeah he did. That’s the quote that I put. He posted that while shooting people. Dude was a nut job. Has nothing to do with the guns.

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Exactly. All the laws in the world unfortunately aren't going to stop these things from happening. IE..laws state, 10 day wait period to take possession of a gun, murder is illegal, high capacity mag is illegal, suicide is a sin, and on and on however this guy still did what he did. He knew what he was doing was wrong he just didn't care. It was his choice to carry out his plan.

Truth be told, I have to agree with who ever stated there really is no answer. People have been killing people since our existence. Look back to historical accounts of genocide. Look back to native American tribal battles. Look back to first settlers of the US killing native Americans. Look back to the wild west. It wasn't called that for no reason. Look to racist and hate based killings. The difference today is there are far more effective means of doing so with unlimited reasons to do it because we aren't focused on survival like early civilizations were. We have a lot of leisure time. The human mind is a very powerful and yet dangerous thing. We all have one and can choose to use it how we see fit. Sure mental and behavioral disabilities take some of that choice away, hopefully others of sound mind can recognize that and help those individuals get help. It all comes back to personal accountability, thinking about the right and wrong we are taught everyday were alive, and hopefully choosing the right thing to do.

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No, just being realistic in that you can’t fix Crazy... And being realistic that we don’t live in a Utopia where all guns, explosives, knives etc... will disappear. It’s not a “non-starter”... it’s a sad truth. I’m 100% in favor of finding solutions and discussing the issues... trust me, I think about it a lot. But I’m pretty sure your “uncomfortable” solution is gun bans... and again, thats not going to Fix Crazy.

I never said anything about “ban guns,” but hey, wouldn’t make for good internet otherwise right. We’ll continue to fail each other because we fail to work on solutions. Rinse repeat. Insane.
I never said anything about “ban guns,” but hey, wouldn’t make for good internet otherwise right. We’ll continue to fail each other because we fail to work on solutions. Rinse repeat. Insane.

Fair enough.... then what did you mean by this? - "You mentioned a lot of causes except for the one that is likely uncomfortable for you."
Solution: Love one another. Yes, it really is that simple. Especially with news media and social media nowadays, love is not promoted, rather violence and immorality is.

Our politicians are just a reflection of our immoral culture so they act accordingly. Along with this, everybody is strapped with debt. The federal debt trickles down to all. Everyone is under pressure in this culture. Wages don't keep up with the cost of living. The weakest of the immoral fold under pressure, react in anger and violence because they have no moral roots. Then as JAGS said, rinse and repeat. A culture of violence. And I will add, as already stated, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GUNS.
Solution: Love one another. Yes, it really is that simple. Especially with news media and social media nowadays, love is not promoted, rather violence and immorality is.

Our politicians are just a reflection of our immoral culture so they act accordingly. Along with this, everybody is strapped with debt. The federal debt trickles down to all. Everyone is under pressure in this culture. Wages don't keep up with the cost of living. The weakest of the immoral fold under pressure, react in anger and violence because they have no moral roots. Then as JAGS said, rinse and repeat. A culture of violence. And I will add, as already stated, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GUNS.
People of the 60's may have been on to something not just on something..😊.

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I never said anything about “ban guns,” but hey, wouldn’t make for good internet otherwise right. We’ll continue to fail each other because we fail to work on solutions. Rinse repeat. Insane.

Seeing that we are talking about it. What would you suggest as a solution or towards a solution? Maybe we can all come up with something that might makes sense. I'll start:
Maybe better more in-depth background checks. Maybe follow ups every 1 or 2 years. Maybe a data base to track the challenged or unstable. Would it stop it? Maybe some. Can it help? Possibly.
Seeing that we are talking about it. What would you suggest as a solution or towards a solution? Maybe we can all come up with something that might makes sense. I'll start:
Maybe better more in-depth background checks. Maybe follow ups every 1 or 2 years. Maybe a data base to track the challenged or unstable. Would it stop it? Maybe some. Can it help? Possibly.

It only needs to stop one mass murder....that would be a start...
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