Recent Shooting and Discussion

The simplest of truths...

Is it fucked up that some idiot walks into, well anywhere, and just randomly starts shooting people? Yes. Is it a "tragedy"? No.
Is it the fault of an inanimate object that could set there forever and never cause harm to anyone or thing? Nope, sure isn't. And, no, it has nothing to do with what it was designed for. There is only One weapon and its housed within the lump that sets upon your shoulders, everything else is just a tool, whether it be a hammer, knife, axe, car, broken bottle's or firearm ect..
The true tragedy is that we are coming into the age where an alarming amount of whiny assed, butt hurt little pussies that have been appeased by whatever means necessary to keep them from being an annoyance to their parents, teachers, administrators ect.. That this alarming number of youths have been taught that they can get whatever they want by complaining, making a spectacle of themselves or going off the deep end without any punishment or accountability is but one cause of many why current events have been happening as they have.
That these youths have have never been taught those lessons that our parents, grandparents and selves (somewhat) have been taught because it became qrong to punish a child for making a mistake, and No, taking the fucking phone away isn't a punishment. By not being taught that there are consequences for doing wrong or taught self-respect or how to interact with others or morals or temperance they also haven't learned wisdom. Pain. It is and always has been the best teacher on the planet. And, you can discipline children without abusing them, specifically if they're made intricately aware of why they're being punished and it's usex as a teaching tool.
Since the beginning of the age of everyone has to be equal, things have truly declined. Why, you might ask. Well because from that point everything's been geared to the Lowest common denominator. In essence the system has been setup to make children stupid because they only have to be as intelligent as the dumbest kid.
Now add 20+ years to this scenario and we have a large number of youths that are getting a large and not friendly wakeup call from how life really works and they're simply not capable of dealing with it.
On a daily basis I see the effects of this shit from preschool to professional work environments.
So, you parents that appease your children and don't teach them anything useful go take a hard look in the nearest mirror and you'll see one who is to blame.
Now take this thought, be pissed if you wish, but the simple truth is that Truth is what it is, it doesn't care about your tender ass or your fucking sensitive feelings.

Is it fucked up that some idiot walks into, well anywhere, and just randomly starts shooting people? Yes. Is it a "tragedy"? No.
Is it the fault of an inanimate object that could set there forever and never cause harm to anyone or thing? Nope, sure isn't. And, no, it has nothing to do with what it was designed for. There is only One weapon and its housed within the lump that sets upon your shoulders, everything else is just a tool, whether it be a hammer, knife, axe, car, broken bottle's or firearm ect..
The true tragedy is that we are coming into the age where an alarming amount of whiny assed, butt hurt little pussies that have been appeased by whatever means necessary to keep them from being an annoyance to their parents, teachers, administrators ect.. That this alarming number of youths have been taught that they can get whatever they want by complaining, making a spectacle of themselves or going off the deep end without any punishment or accountability is but one cause of many why current events have been happening as they have.
That these youths have have never been taught those lessons that our parents, grandparents and selves (somewhat) have been taught because it became qrong to punish a child for making a mistake, and No, taking the fucking phone away isn't a punishment. By not being taught that there are consequences for doing wrong or taught self-respect or how to interact with others or morals or temperance they also haven't learned wisdom. Pain. It is and always has been the best teacher on the planet. And, you can discipline children without abusing them, specifically if they're made intricately aware of why they're being punished and it's usex as a teaching tool.
Since the beginning of the age of everyone has to be equal, things have truly declined. Why, you might ask. Well because from that point everything's been geared to the Lowest common denominator. In essence the system has been setup to make children stupid because they only have to be as intelligent as the dumbest kid.
Now add 20+ years to this scenario and we have a large number of youths that are getting a large and not friendly wakeup call from how life really works and they're simply not capable of dealing with it.
On a daily basis I see the effects of this shit from preschool to professional work environments.
So, you parents that appease your children and don't teach them anything useful go take a hard look in the nearest mirror and you'll see one who is to blame.
Now take this thought, be pissed if you wish, but the simple truth is that Truth is what it is, it doesn't care about your tender ass or your fucking sensitive feelings.


Wasn’t the dude ex mil?

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No, idea to be honest, but he's still within the time reference. Have seen quite a few former military that still have the thought processes of youth and probably a good reason why they're not in service any longer. Of course, another truth. Believing what the media says is like believing in Political Correctness. There's not a single thing in politics that's correct. Backstabbing, yes. Lying through their teeth, absolutely. Truthful, hasn't happened yet. 🤔😱

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Is it fucked up that some idiot walks into, well anywhere, and just randomly starts shooting people? Yes. Is it a "tragedy"? No.
Is it the fault of an inanimate object that could set there forever and never cause harm to anyone or thing? Nope, sure isn't. And, no, it has nothing to do with what it was designed for. There is only One weapon and its housed within the lump that sets upon your shoulders, everything else is just a tool, whether it be a hammer, knife, axe, car, broken bottle's or firearm ect..
The true tragedy is that we are coming into the age where an alarming amount of whiny assed, butt hurt little pussies that have been appeased by whatever means necessary to keep them from being an annoyance to their parents, teachers, administrators ect.. That this alarming number of youths have been taught that they can get whatever they want by complaining, making a spectacle of themselves or going off the deep end without any punishment or accountability is but one cause of many why current events have been happening as they have.
That these youths have have never been taught those lessons that our parents, grandparents and selves (somewhat) have been taught because it became qrong to punish a child for making a mistake, and No, taking the fucking phone away isn't a punishment. By not being taught that there are consequences for doing wrong or taught self-respect or how to interact with others or morals or temperance they also haven't learned wisdom. Pain. It is and always has been the best teacher on the planet. And, you can discipline children without abusing them, specifically if they're made intricately aware of why they're being punished and it's usex as a teaching tool.
Since the beginning of the age of everyone has to be equal, things have truly declined. Why, you might ask. Well because from that point everything's been geared to the Lowest common denominator. In essence the system has been setup to make children stupid because they only have to be as intelligent as the dumbest kid.
Now add 20+ years to this scenario and we have a large number of youths that are getting a large and not friendly wakeup call from how life really works and they're simply not capable of dealing with it.
On a daily basis I see the effects of this shit from preschool to professional work environments.
So, you parents that appease your children and don't teach them anything useful go take a hard look in the nearest mirror and you'll see one who is to blame.
Now take this thought, be pissed if you wish, but the simple truth is that Truth is what it is, it doesn't care about your tender ass or your fucking sensitive feelings.


Very true...
Is it fucked up that some idiot walks into, well anywhere, and just randomly starts shooting people? Yes. Is it a "tragedy"? No.
Is it the fault of an inanimate object that could set there forever and never cause harm to anyone or thing? Nope, sure isn't. And, no, it has nothing to do with what it was designed for. There is only One weapon and its housed within the lump that sets upon your shoulders, everything else is just a tool, whether it be a hammer, knife, axe, car, broken bottle's or firearm ect..
The true tragedy is that we are coming into the age where an alarming amount of whiny assed, butt hurt little pussies that have been appeased by whatever means necessary to keep them from being an annoyance to their parents, teachers, administrators ect.. That this alarming number of youths have been taught that they can get whatever they want by complaining, making a spectacle of themselves or going off the deep end without any punishment or accountability is but one cause of many why current events have been happening as they have.
That these youths have have never been taught those lessons that our parents, grandparents and selves (somewhat) have been taught because it became qrong to punish a child for making a mistake, and No, taking the fucking phone away isn't a punishment. By not being taught that there are consequences for doing wrong or taught self-respect or how to interact with others or morals or temperance they also haven't learned wisdom. Pain. It is and always has been the best teacher on the planet. And, you can discipline children without abusing them, specifically if they're made intricately aware of why they're being punished and it's usex as a teaching tool.
Since the beginning of the age of everyone has to be equal, things have truly declined. Why, you might ask. Well because from that point everything's been geared to the Lowest common denominator. In essence the system has been setup to make children stupid because they only have to be as intelligent as the dumbest kid.
Now add 20+ years to this scenario and we have a large number of youths that are getting a large and not friendly wakeup call from how life really works and they're simply not capable of dealing with it.
On a daily basis I see the effects of this shit from preschool to professional work environments.
So, you parents that appease your children and don't teach them anything useful go take a hard look in the nearest mirror and you'll see one who is to blame.
Now take this thought, be pissed if you wish, but the simple truth is that Truth is what it is, it doesn't care about your tender ass or your fucking sensitive feelings.


Hit the nail on the head. :thumb:
I often wonder why the prison system just doesn't spank the prisoners until they are good again. I pretty sure this guy new what he was going to do was wrong and positively new how it was going to end. To always blame lack of discipline or the weapons they use isn't always that easy, or maybe it is. There are simply a lot of crazy mixed up people out there. When I was kid it was the belt or restriction. If I had choice I would take the belt in a heart beat. It was quicker. Sometimes got both. And sometimes I would do it again. Blame isn't an answer. Individuals make choices.
One thing I'm absolutely certain about is that the prison system is so overrun with bureaucratic Bullshit that the prisoners have more damn rights than the guards guarding them. I know that in some facilities they even get personal phones. That's Not punishment, for a lot of mother fuckers, it's a Vacation. And they treat it as such.
Bring back the chain gangs of old and see how many shitbags come back for round 2. Use that bull whip or cat-o-nine tails on their asses and see who keeps fucking up. They will make a conscious decision to never do that shit again and for those that do, grab a rope. Think of the benefits of that.
As I said previously, Punishment should hurt. Perfect example- you only grab the hot pot once. Lesson learned.
Like you Seahawkfan, I got both at times too, and sometimes I did them again, but Never a 3rd time. No way in hell was I going to do it again. See, I was given incentive to change my thought processes.
Also, it isn't about Blame, it's about proper corrective actions. Blame is after the fact, being taught the moral and life lessons, consequences and accountability, right and wrong are all in the living of their daily lives (or should be). What we're seeing presently is what happens when they never got any of that. Instead they were rewarded for being wrong. And in this instance the Blame still goes to the parents, teachers, friends, administrators who allowed them to grow up, which doesn't mean mature, without receiving any because, hmm let me see -
1. It's not my responsibility. (Still here this everyday)
2. I can't because we'll get sued.
3. It's someone elses problem.
4. I'm paid by the hour why should I care?
5. It's not my job to raise them, even if their parents don't.
6. Oh, just ignore them and they'll stop after a while. (Heard this one already today)

There was a time in our history, which isn't taught anymore either, that the children in a neighborhood were taken care of, taught, and properly nutured by everyone in that neighborhood or community. Why? For the betterment of our society as a whole and for the future.
Now we live in a society where people don't even talk to each other, neighbors or otherwise. Where being friendly and sharing knowledgethat will benefit them as they grow, is looked upon as a crime. Where people will watch someone get beat to death and never lift a finger to help them, but will post it on YouTube in a fucking heartbeat.
This Blame is a shared one. And until we are ready to stop pointing fingers, making accusations or excuses it will only get worse. The first step is admitting it. The second, figuring out what to do about it. And, No, ignoring it will not fix it.
(Climbs off soap box)
Have a great day.

I often wonder why the prison system just doesn't spank the prisoners until they are good again. I pretty sure this guy new what he was going to do was wrong and positively new how it was going to end. To always blame lack of discipline or the weapons they use isn't always that easy, or maybe it is. There are simply a lot of crazy mixed up people out there. When I was kid it was the belt or restriction. If I had choice I would take the belt in a heart beat. It was quicker. Sometimes got both. And sometimes I would do it again. Blame isn't an answer. Individuals make choices.
One thing I'm absolutely certain about is that the prison system is so overrun with bureaucratic Bullshit that the prisoners have more damn rights than the guards guarding them. I know that in some facilities they even get personal phones. That's Not punishment, for a lot of mother fuckers, it's a Vacation. And they treat it as such.
Bring back the chain gangs of old and see how many shitbags come back for round 2. Use that bull whip or cat-o-nine tails on their asses and see who keeps fucking up. They will make a conscious decision to never do that shit again and for those that do, grab a rope. Think of the benefits of that.
As I said previously, Punishment should hurt. Perfect example- you only grab the hot pot once. Lesson learned.
Like you Seahawkfan, I got both at times too, and sometimes I did them again, but Never a 3rd time. No way in hell was I going to do it again. See, I was given incentive to change my thought processes.
Also, it isn't about Blame, it's about proper corrective actions. Blame is after the fact, being taught the moral and life lessons, consequences and accountability, right and wrong are all in the living of their daily lives (or should be). What we're seeing presently is what happens when they never got any of that. Instead they were rewarded for being wrong. And in this instance the Blame still goes to the parents, teachers, friends, administrators who allowed them to grow up, which doesn't mean mature, without receiving any because, hmm let me see -
1. It's not my responsibility. (Still here this everyday)
2. I can't because we'll get sued.
3. It's someone elses problem.
4. I'm paid by the hour why should I care?
5. It's not my job to raise them, even if their parents don't.
6. Oh, just ignore them and they'll stop after a while. (Heard this one already today)

There was a time in our history, which isn't taught anymore either, that the children in a neighborhood were taken care of, taught, and properly nutured by everyone in that neighborhood or community. Why? For the betterment of our society as a whole and for the future.
Now we live in a society where people don't even talk to each other, neighbors or otherwise. Where being friendly and sharing knowledgethat will benefit them as they grow, is looked upon as a crime. Where people will watch someone get beat to death and never lift a finger to help them, but will post it on YouTube in a fucking heartbeat.
This Blame is a shared one. And until we are ready to stop pointing fingers, making accusations or excuses it will only get worse. The first step is admitting it. The second, figuring out what to do about it. And, No, ignoring it will not fix it.
(Climbs off soap box)
Have a great day.
I hear you and I agree with you. Crazy shit was happening back the day I'm sure, but we just didn't get this kind of information. I think I used the wrong New instead of Knew. That shit just doesn't look right. My bad.

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From the news accounts, it sounds like this dude may have been a combat vet with ptsd, or at least evident difficulties in adjusting to civilian life. Gun was legally purchased, albeit used with an extra capacity mag that’s illegal in Cal.

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From the news accounts, it sounds like this dude may have been a combat vet with ptsd, or at least evident difficulties in adjusting to civilian life. Gun was legally purchased, albeit used with an extra capacity mag that’s illegal in Cal.

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PTSD has nothing to do with these types of events. Vets with ptsd definitely still have the ability to make conscious decisions and are still responsible for their actions. The simple fact that he was able to select his target at a very vulnerable and crowded venue shows that he was able to think “rationally” and make a conscious decision. Just about everyone transitioning out of the military has some level of difficulty adjusting to civilian life. That’s just part of the process and not an excuse to commit these heinous acts of domestic terrorism (my opinionated definition). Personally I find it disgusting that this coward is being referenced as a former Marine. He doesn’t deserve the association and (to me) is lower than the shit on the bottom of my shoe.

Furthermore, this just reinforces the fact that you can’t legislate these problems out of existence. High cap mags are illegal in California, yet still readily available with a simple drive across a state border or an online order.

Just my 2 cents.

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