Random Photos

Nope pretty proud of my RANDOM photo... LOL :cheesy:

haha you enjoyed it quit acting straight. lol ;):brows::cheesy:

oh it was a big thrill:shock: thats why I posted it to share it with my other friends to get thrilled. :daydream: ;)

oh yea tell your cousin to set up another time and well go to the unicorn convention in San Fransico. :cheesy::cheesy:

oh yea your homo!! Call me!! ;)

:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: LMFAO!! I love this forum. :beer::thumb:

Hahahaha man no joke I lmao at your comments replays :beers:
^^^ lol.

Has any one try this before
I founded in my house and work amazing, I used it on my bike and now shines like new OMG


Is not the best pic but ,You can can see the shine
What's up with the 24" seat post on a 20" bike. Then again judging by your infatuation with JKRay's unicorn post, that probably is a quick release seat. :icon_crazy:

Lol :D
I was buffing and cleaning my bike in a up and down motion but now I finished so it's on the regular Stand down low :D lmao!!!!!
I just can't get used to polymer frames and the trigger. I can shoot them fine, but they just don't feel right. I know it's stupid, but I'm just wired that way.

Guess it's just taste. I enjoy shooting lots of different handguns. I shoot Glocks well and have the most experience with them so I'm biased I guess.
Guess it's just taste. I enjoy shooting lots of different handguns. I shoot Glocks well and have the most experience with them so I'm biased I guess.

Just picked up the m&p shield in 9 for my everyday conceal. Nice little gun for abdomen carry.
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