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Of course, we’re the ones who need to ban plastic straws 👍🏻
View attachment 413961
The Philippines must be some sort of a dump.

Apparently only something like 4% of recyclable plastic is recycled in the USA. The rest of it remains in special piles.

I am old enough to remember a time before our plastic world, yet life was not bad back then. Sure, the coke bottle might have marks on it from rolling on a parking lot before, but it was just fine.

We used reusable containers. Meat products were wrapped in paper rather than plastic wrap. Straws were made out of waxed paper.

As a result of the plastic revolution, everywhere you look there is plastic refuse on the ground, which may take 1000 years to degrade into powder.

The plastic revolution has been convenient, but it is clearly bad for our world.
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