I should proberly shut my mouth since I´m not even a American citizen but must wrote anyway that I´m not very happy how this ended.

I fell like Bidden and his staff has a lot in common with the asholes in Sweden and Trump at least tried to do what he sad to do. This is the beginning of the end for personal freedom. The indoctrination of the youths in school here in Sweden is awful and I guess it is the same in United States.
I should proberly shut my mouth since I´m not even a American citizen but must wrote anyway that I´m not very happy how this ended.

I fell like Bidden and his staff has a lot in common with the asholes in Sweden and Trump at least tried to do what he sad to do. This is the beginning of the end for personal freedom. The indoctrination of the youths in school here in Sweden is awful and I guess it is the same in United States.
Thanks for the outside perspective.

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Thanks for the outside perspective.

Sent from my SM-G973U using WAYALIFE mobile app

Well, I just had to. For 4 years the Swedish television and news magazins have told the Swedish people how terrible and awful Donald Trump is. Not one single fucking good word about him, only the bad. I feel I want to puke sometimes.

Personaly I have seen a president that worked hard for his country and that also seems to love it. Did he do everything correct and in the best way? Proberly not but what goverment or president have ever succeed in that? I think he at least tried hard and worked for America.

6 months ago I "put down" my company. A small electric installation company with me and one employee. I was tired to give away almost everything in tax and other cost. It the end it just killed the joy of having a own company. I had that for 15 years. Thanks to the left oriented goverment here in sweden it is utterly shitty to have a small company. If you are big like Ericsson or any other multinationell company it is ok. you just move production to a third world country and hire the best economics to avoid tax paying.

Sweden has turned into a ghetto with no national borders and huge problems. I feel the incompetent swedish goverment has a lot of common with the Democrates in the states and to be honest I feel a bit worried for you. I hope you guys will also in the future be able to support yourself.
Well, I just had to. For 4 years the Swedish television and news magazins have told the Swedish people how terrible and awful Donald Trump is. Not one single fucking good word about him, only the bad. I feel I want to puke sometimes.

Personaly I have seen a president that worked hard for his country and that also seems to love it. Did he do everything correct and in the best way? Proberly not but what goverment or president have ever succeed in that? I think he at least tried hard and worked for America.

6 months ago I "put down" my company. A small electric installation company with me and one employee. I was tired to give away almost everything in tax and other cost. It the end it just killed the joy of having a own company. I had that for 15 years. Thanks to the left oriented goverment here in sweden it is utterly shitty to have a small company. If you are big like Ericsson or any other multinationell company it is ok. you just move production to a third world country and hire the best economics to avoid tax paying.

Sweden has turned into a ghetto with no national borders and huge problems. I feel the incompetent swedish goverment has a lot of common with the Democrates in the states and to be honest I feel a bit worried for you. I hope you guys will also in the future be able to support yourself.

Thanks for information on how things are in your country. A lot of people think things are so rosy in Europe and Canada. We are quickly heading that way. I am glad in am not 20 years old. This country will continue to degrade until it sucks to live here.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Well, I just had to. For 4 years the Swedish television and news magazins have told the Swedish people how terrible and awful Donald Trump is. Not one single fucking good word about him, only the bad. I feel I want to puke sometimes.

Personaly I have seen a president that worked hard for his country and that also seems to love it. Did he do everything correct and in the best way? Proberly not but what goverment or president have ever succeed in that? I think he at least tried hard and worked for America.

6 months ago I "put down" my company. A small electric installation company with me and one employee. I was tired to give away almost everything in tax and other cost. It the end it just killed the joy of having a own company. I had that for 15 years. Thanks to the left oriented goverment here in sweden it is utterly shitty to have a small company. If you are big like Ericsson or any other multinationell company it is ok. you just move production to a third world country and hire the best economics to avoid tax paying.

Sweden has turned into a ghetto with no national borders and huge problems. I feel the incompetent swedish goverment has a lot of common with the Democrates in the states and to be honest I feel a bit worried for you. I hope you guys will also in the future be able to support yourself.

This is just it. Trump is honestly a whack job or wild card in regards to his professional appearance in us politics. With that being said, from my opinion, he truly loves america and wants to see it thrive. He's far from perfect and there are so many that hate him because of it. But in the last four years, I haven't seen him directly or intentionally harm america like bush, clinton, Obama, Kamala. Trump is a weirdo for sure and he's not perfect. But that doesn't mean he's deserved the Media onslaught that he's received. I've never put my hope in one person to be the hero or savior of this nation so I never viewed Trump that way, but I do think he genuinely cared about this nation. There are much bigger issues that one person cannot solve.

I've always had very low trust of government in general and I expressed this to a good friend of mine and she once told me, "The government is made up of people. Why should we expect any different?" Here we are.....

Biden and Kamala hate the foundations of this nation so our future will be interesting.
Well, I just had to. For 4 years the Swedish television and news magazins have told the Swedish people how terrible and awful Donald Trump is. Not one single fucking good word about him, only the bad. I feel I want to puke sometimes.

Personaly I have seen a president that worked hard for his country and that also seems to love it. Did he do everything correct and in the best way? Proberly not but what goverment or president have ever succeed in that? I think he at least tried hard and worked for America.

6 months ago I "put down" my company. A small electric installation company with me and one employee. I was tired to give away almost everything in tax and other cost. It the end it just killed the joy of having a own company. I had that for 15 years. Thanks to the left oriented goverment here in sweden it is utterly shitty to have a small company. If you are big like Ericsson or any other multinationell company it is ok. you just move production to a third world country and hire the best economics to avoid tax paying.

Sweden has turned into a ghetto with no national borders and huge problems. I feel the incompetent swedish goverment has a lot of common with the Democrates in the states and to be honest I feel a bit worried for you. I hope you guys will also in the future be able to support yourself.

Thank you for your perspective.

It sounds an awful lot like California after years of an unchecked liberal majority.

It is damn hard to make it as a small business, and without huge financial backing damn near impossible to grow to a medium size.

The large companies welcome the regulations as they are a huge barrier to competition, and they can raise prices unchecked to comply with the regulations, taxes, and social costs imposed.

We are already too far down that road here for it to change, but I fear the rest of the nation is going to get dragged down the same path if things go the way they appear to be headed.
Well, I just had to. For 4 years the Swedish television and news magazins have told the Swedish people how terrible and awful Donald Trump is. Not one single fucking good word about him, only the bad. I feel I want to puke sometimes.

Personaly I have seen a president that worked hard for his country and that also seems to love it. Did he do everything correct and in the best way? Proberly not but what goverment or president have ever succeed in that? I think he at least tried hard and worked for America.

6 months ago I "put down" my company. A small electric installation company with me and one employee. I was tired to give away almost everything in tax and other cost. It the end it just killed the joy of having a own company. I had that for 15 years. Thanks to the left oriented goverment here in sweden it is utterly shitty to have a small company. If you are big like Ericsson or any other multinationell company it is ok. you just move production to a third world country and hire the best economics to avoid tax paying.

Sweden has turned into a ghetto with no national borders and huge problems. I feel the incompetent swedish goverment has a lot of common with the Democrates in the states and to be honest I feel a bit worried for you. I hope you guys will also in the future be able to support yourself.

Thanks for your input.

I’m honestly worried for how our country will be in the future. It’s most likely going to be rough and I’m certainly glad I do not own a small business. The company I work for is large enough that it most likely will not be rocked by Biden and his puppeteers.
For those of you who don't remember, Al Gore was the declared winner for 37 days before George W Bush was given the prize. Not saying the same will happen this time around but I for one would like to see the process play out and with a little more transparency than I'm seeing. But then, maybe that's too much to ask.
For those of you who don't remember, Al Gore was the declared winner for 37 days before George W Bush was given the prize. Not saying the same will happen this time around but I for one would like to see the process play out and with a little more transparency than I'm seeing. But then, maybe that's too much to ask.
Yeah but I don't think it's going to happen. I heard this morning that court's in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia have denied Trump's law suits

Sent from my SM-G973U using WAYALIFE mobile app
Trump didn't lose.... The Media Won.

I think this is what troubles me the most. I don't have a problem with people having different ideas on how this country should be run. What I do have a problem with is the lack of real journalism from the so called media. What I have an even bigger problem with, is how big tech has been actively censoring legitimate discussion. This is something that I have personally experienced and on more occasions than one. This isn't tinfoil conspiracy theory shit I'm talking about, it's me seeing first hand how pro-Trump comments on my YouTube page automatically get sent to my spam folder and more recently, how Instagram blocked our account because of a pic I posted of my friends wearing a pro-Trump shirt and a "Joe and the Ho" shirt. The reason they gave? "Bullying or Harassment".


This kind of bullshit is un-American and it concerns me that so many people in this country see no problem with it. Regardless of what side you're on or who you wanted to win this election, this kind of shit should not be tolerated in a FREE country.
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