Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

...for tarnishing their brand.

Not buying that for a minute. A&E knew exactly what they were getting from day one (a good conservative, Christian family). A&E's "brand" has made a metric crapload of advertising dollars taking advantage of that Christian image. It's disingenuous for A&E to cry foul. It should have simply stated the views expressed do not reflect the views of the network...and then waited to see what happens with viewership.
Outraged by what exactly? By what he said or by the action A&E took?

Both. To me, nothing was surprising in either instance. If I work for a Christian organization and run around telling anyone who will listen about my strong atheist beliefs, should I, or anyone else, be surprised when I get shown the door? Would they be infringing upon my first amendment right to free speech?

On one hand, you have a TV show about a conservative, 24/7 camouflage wearing, christian hunting family. They pray at the end of every episode and make no secret of their beliefs. How is it shocking when one of them 'can't understand' homosexuality?

On the other hand, you have a mass media driven television network that will always align itself with the majority consensus of it's viewers, the American public. Whether you personally agree or not, this country overwhelmingly does NOT side with Phil Robertson on this particular issue, every poll taken supports that assertion. How is it shocking that the network is creating distance between itself and their employee?

Why are people shocked by anything in this sad excuse for a news story? Not one shocking or surprising thing has happened at all. The only people who are shocked are the ones who claim to be shocked by almost anything they hear. No thought process required for that.
Whether you personally agree or not, this country overwhelmingly does NOT side with Phil Robertson on this particular issue, every poll taken supports that assertion. How is it shocking that the network is creating distance between itself and their employee?

You seem to have a strong opinion as do I. I don't believe this is the time or the place to discuss them in detail, but I think we both know where each other stand.
Not buying that for a minute. A&E knew exactly what they were getting from day one (a good conservative, Christian family). A&E's "brand" has made a metric crapload of advertising dollars taking advantage of that Christian image. It's disingenuous for A&E to cry foul. It should have simply stated the views expressed do not reflect the views of the network...and then waited to see what happens with viewership.

I don't agree with you that the Christian image is that of intolerance towards homosexuals, nor do I agree that that is what the A&E network signed on for when they hired a Christian family. There is an astounding number of Christians who don't feel homosexuality is an abomination and don't harbor any ill will whatsoever towards the gay community.

The fact of the matter is that if they are going to lose viewers over it then it is certainly tarnishing their brand.

Being intolerant of a certain group of people doesn't seem very Christ-like to me anyway.
You seem to have a strong opinion as do I. I don't believe this is the time or the place to discuss them in detail, but I think we both know where each other stand.

Certainly so. I enjoy a good debate every now and again and harbor no ill will at all towards anyone who doesn't agree with me. You are correct about this not being the time or place though.

Jeep Jeep!
I think millions of HARD WORKING AMERICANS are just tired having this LIBERAL B.S. shoved down our throats. As the LIBS say, we have to be tolerant of each other until your views don't reflect ours, then it's not ok...REALLY, F A&E and GLAAD:mad:
I think millions of HARD WORKING AMERICANS are just tired having this LIBERAL B.S. shoved down our throats. As the LIBS say, we have to be tolerant of each other until your views don't reflect ours, then it's not ok...REALLY, F A&E and GLAAD:mad:

Wow. Incredibly thoughtful statement. Thanks for that morsel of wisdom.
Irresponsible assed pet owners piss me off. I've been dealing with that where I live. The dog barks if the owner is not at home, the owner didn't train it to be independent and now is but hurt because I complained to the landlord. The docking city won't doing anything unless at least two neighbors complain but you know how that goes. People complain but when it comes down to making that formal complaint, no one wants to do it. Some people should not have pets.
Drivers who are stupid enough to flash their high beams at me when I'm driving with my low beams. Meanwhile I have a 50" light bar and rigid d2s to wake them up a little.... 😎

Yeah I get this a lot

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When people take your tools with out your permission and they never return them, I hate that.

Yeah... That's called stealing... It's against the law!

My ride- 2001 power wheel, 11" plastic tires, upgraded battery, boat sides, custom bumpers, tow hooks, new paint.
Yeah... That's called stealing... It's against the law!

My ride- 2001 power wheel, 11" plastic tires, upgraded battery, boat sides, custom bumpers, tow hooks, new paint.

Yup, I placed a wifi webcam in my garage so I can see who's taking them,
I have so much money in to my tolls that pisses me off. Yup
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