Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

When you put your french fries between your legs in your work van and they fall out onto the floor.:banghead:

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when merging on the highway and the car on the left can't decided if they want to let you Infront of them or behind them so your riding side by side until last minute. VERY annoying
A&E network for messing with THE DUCK COMMANDER. F' A&E:mad:

I agree with you here. So let me get this straight, you suspend a guy for exercising his 1st amendment GOD given right to free speech. Funny thing is its so hypocritical that members of these organizations are LEGALLY allowed to force their views and lifestyles down your throat, but if you suggest you don't agree with them, all of a sudden, you are the bad guy. THIS also pisses me off.
I agree with you here. So let me get this straight, you suspend a guy for exercising his 1st amendment GOD given right to free speech. Funny thing is its so hypocritical that members of these organizations are LEGALLY allowed to force their views and lifestyles down your throat, but if you suggest you don't agree with them, all of a sudden, you are the bad guy. THIS also pisses me off.

He had the right to say what he said; his private employer had the right to fire him (unless their private contract states otherwise) for any non-discriminatory reason. The show's advertisers have a right to end their advertisement (subject to the terms of their agreements.)

The 1st Amendment has nothing to do with what happened. Just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean there can be no consequences to your speech (especially in a private employment situation.)
He had the right to say what he said; his private employer had the right to fire him (unless their private contract states otherwise) for any non-discriminatory reason. The show's advertisers have a right to end their advertisement (subject to the terms of their agreements.)

The 1st Amendment has nothing to do with what happened. Just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean there can be no consequences to your speech (especially in a private employment situation.)

Spoken like a true attorney. Take the legalities out of it for a minute. Guess I was a bit disappointed in their knee jerk reaction. I have strong feelings on this and to spare getting flamed by those who feel otherwise I will reserve them.
Spoken like a true attorney. Take the legalities out of it for a minute. Guess I was a bit disappointed in their knee jerk reaction. I have strong feelings on this and to spare getting flamed by those who feel otherwise I will reserve them.

Don't get me wrong. I think it was a poor decision on the part of A&E. I also think there is a huge disparity in treatment regarding the way the media treats people who make controversial public statements. It's just not a free speech issue. A&E had the right to do what it did. I think it may bite them in the butt though.

Edit: And I'm not trying to flame you. I'm just trying focus on what I see as the real problem (the liberal media's disparate treatment of conservatives) and take it away from the First Amendment.
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He had the right to say what he said; his private employer had the right to fire him (unless their private contract states otherwise) for any non-discriminatory reason. The show's advertisers have a right to end their advertisement (subject to the terms of their agreements.)

The 1st Amendment has nothing to do with what happened. Just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean there can be no consequences to your speech (especially in a private employment situation.)

Perfectly said. They both had the right to do what they did.

Until the FBI tries to arrest him or the FCC tries to fine him there is absolutely no free speech infringement taking place. The first amendment doesn't protect you from your private employer. He had every right to voice his bronze age opinions, and A&E had every right to suspend/terminate him for tarnishing their brand.

People that are outraged over this seem to be the same people who endlessly post polarizing meme's on facebook void of any and all fact.
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