Pee Pee Lucas: Worst Troll EVER

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I wonder what other things these guys do when nobody is looking

We were until you tried to be a troll. Try is the key word

Steve-O did you just call me a troll? Your friends tell me the opposite. I think we now know who the real trolls are.
Steve-O did you just call me a troll? Your friends tell me the opposite. I think we now know who the real trolls are.

Yes I did. Are you referring to the friends that silently left the forum for good like you should have done a few weeks ago
Yes I did. Are you referring to the friends that silently left the forum for good like you should have done a few weeks ago

I'm waiting on the JKX video, then I will leave the forum. After pass days of witnessing members getting bash for suggesting, I decided ppl like you are bad to be around. Not talking about all the cool wayalifer's in FB tho.
Ok ladies have a great weekend, my third episode of the X-files just finished. I'll post some more positive pics next time... Sharkey your are always welcome in this thread. Adam aka Bobby Boucher don't be a stranger, my bad if I hurt your feelings about you still living with your momma (pussy).
Ok ladies have a great weekend, my third episode of the X-files just finished. I'll post some more positive pics next time... Sharkey your are always welcome in this thread. Adam aka Bobby Boucher don't be a stranger, my bad if I hurt your feelings about you still living with your momma (pussy).

Very Christian like. Did you set aside your beliefs just for this thread? Or do you believe being a true Christian comes with an on and off switch as it suits your mood?
I wonder what other things these guys do when nobody is looking

Okay side note:

Being a true Christian is not about being perfect. Being a true Christian is about confessing your faith to Jesus as your savior and lord. In which doing so you commit your life to him so that you can spread his word. Now, we are supposed to treat others the way God wants us to treat people, but due to the fact that we are imperfect we can and will slip up on a daily basis. As displayed in this thread. Just because he has acted foolishly in this thread doesn't mean that he isn't a Christian per say, just a poor example of what a Christian is supposed to be

Coming from somebody who's been a practicing Christian since he was 14, I've seen it all, an acted in all kinds of ways. So I know a thing or two about double standards that a large majority of Christians have. Including myself sometimes. Hey, I'm no saint myself.
Ok ladies have a great weekend, my third episode of the X-files just finished. I'll post some more positive pics next time... Sharkey your are always welcome in this thread. Adam aka Bobby Boucher don't be a stranger, my bad if I hurt your feelings about you still living with your momma (pussy).

I would much rather fuck the chick from the waterboy then have to see your troll of a wife everyday.

I'm waiting on the JKX video, then I will leave the forum.

:thinking: First, the Wayalife JKX videos have all been released on YouTube. Second, Wayalife did not film the last JKX so they will not be releasing a new JKX video. Third, you don't have to be on this forum to watch those videos. So, move along TS.
Wow, this idiot is nearly as bad a troll as Matti.

PLucas, I'm really starting to wonder who you're trying to prove yourself to, because your weak attempts at comebacks and lack of photoshop skills just aren't cutting it. It can't be the girl in that pic, she looks like the type that would only want one vagina in the relationship. Maybe you should turn off the computer for a while and go find a new hobby... I'd suggest going for a drive and actually wheeling your Jeep! Rocks, mud, curbs at the mall parking lot, whatever floats your boat. Just don't do it here!
What a beautiful Saturday, enjoyed a wonderful healthy breakfast before I hit to road, and do what truly has become a passion to do after only of few years (cycling). Well someone suggested via text to check my FB messages (mind blown). But I personally think there's is no need to apologize for these losers (Adam comment). I enjoy every single one of your family photos you share in FB and have nothing but respect for you and your family (let it be know). What you see in my FB page is what you get. With almost 7K views on this thread, I'm pretty sure a few can see and will protect their family and their pets around Adam and his losers friends. I sure as hell wouldn't want to know what he thinks of every lady that has come in contact through this forum. He is just being himself here and I give him that, most cowards and weak man aren't that consistent and will play a double card each day.
Wow, this idiot is nearly as bad a troll as Matti.

PLucas, I'm really starting to wonder who you're trying to prove yourself to, because your weak attempts at comebacks and lack of photoshop skills just aren't cutting it. It can't be the girl in that pic, she looks like the type that would only want one vagina in the relationship. Maybe you should turn off the computer for a while and go find a new hobby... I'd suggest going for a drive and actually wheeling your Jeep! Rocks, mud, curbs at the mall parking lot, whatever floats your boat. Just don't do it here!

Not trying to prove anything here, you're doing that for me. Who said it was Photoshop, careful buddy I know how to play with CSS and HTML and wouldn't want to hurt your feels too. This is my new hobby, I like it here, my thread so if you don't like it... Leave!
Okay side note:

Being a true Christian is not about being perfect. Being a true Christian is about confessing your faith to Jesus as your savior and lord. In which doing so you commit your life to him so that you can spread his word. Now, we are supposed to treat others the way God wants us to treat people, but due to the fact that we are imperfect we can and will slip up on a daily basis. As displayed in this thread. Just because he has acted foolishly in this thread doesn't mean that he isn't a Christian per say, just a poor example of what a Christian is supposed to be

Coming from somebody who's been a practicing Christian since he was 14, I've seen it all, an acted in all kinds of ways. So I know a thing or two about double standards that a large majority of Christians have. Including myself sometimes. Hey, I'm no saint myself.

Too many holes here, theologically speaking. But I understand you "practicing". Before you try to look up my denomination I'm a Calvinist/Reformed. Is just a nick name to me. Be Careful perhaps they will attack your religion, since they are total losers on the name calling game.
Not trying to prove anything here, you're doing that for me. Who said it was Photoshop, careful buddy I know how to play with CSS and HTML and wouldn't want to hurt your feels too. This is my new hobby, I like it here, my thread so if you don't like it... Leave!

Sorry just jumping in this...lulz h4ck skillz with HTML
What a beautiful Saturday, enjoyed a wonderful healthy breakfast before I hit to road, and do what truly has become a passion to do after only of few years (cycling). Well someone suggested via text to check my FB messages (mind blown). But I personally think there's is no need to apologize for these losers (Adam comment). I enjoy every single one of your family photos you share in FB and have nothing but respect for you and your family (let it be know). What you see in my FB page is what you get. With almost 7K views on this thread, I'm pretty sure a few can see and will protect their family and their pets around Adam and his losers friends. I sure as hell wouldn't want to know what he thinks of every lady that has come in contact through this forum. He is just being himself here and I give him that, most cowards and weak man aren't that consistent and will play a double card each day.

Exactly what two cards and faces am I playing. Inquiring minds want to know.
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