Pee Pee Lucas: Worst Troll EVER

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You know, for the last few days I've been trying to figure out what you reminded me of and then finally hit me.

You remind me of a tampon string.
Why did Marlo leave?

Who the heck is Marlo? Like the dog from the movie? I thought you where leaving for good, but I think you might be back in a few months with anther name and new computer so it is harder to tell it is you right?
Who the heck is Marlo? Like the dog from the movie? I thought you where leaving for good, but I think you might be back in a few months with anther name and new computer so it is harder to tell it is you right?

Olram30 that's his name dummy, yep like the dog from the movie LOL.
Why you use them? Just as we were about to talk jeep.

No, I don't, but I know that they are helpful to pull a bloody mess from a vagina. Yep, a tampon string, that's what you remind me of. So I guess I was wrong, you aren't totally useless. Sorry for my erroneous ways TS, you do have a place in this world.
No, I don't, but I know that they are helpful to pull a bloody mess from a vagina. Yep, a tampon string, that's what you remind me of. So I guess I was wrong, you aren't totally useless. Sorry for my erroneous ways TS, you do have a place in this world.

Sharkey, I know I can say something mean, but I'm not. I kinda like you man, do you really want the hat bro?
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