NorCal/CenCal Snow Day

Anyone staying at the Tamarack lodge in Bear Valley, make sure you say your with the WOL group. 5 rooms or more underneath the same group can get a 10% discount.
Wow this sounds like a really fun trip put me in as maybe don't know what my schedule is going to be that weekend for work
Anyone staying at the Tamarack lodge in Bear Valley, make sure you say your with the WOL group. 5 rooms or more underneath the same group can get a 10% discount.

I emailed her back and made sure she knew we are all together and told her more would be calling. ;)
Lets try this and see what happens

Meeting location - Looks to be a big parking lot with plenty of space to play and air down while we wait for all to arrive:grouphug:
Gas - looking at Google Earth (imagery date 2007) gas station is not completed but hoping it is by now - bathroom and fill up?:thumb:
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Still looking at Corral Meadows trail unless there is additional input. Reading up a bit on it it seems to be pretty mild so it should be food for all.

Meeting location to trail head
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Corral Meadows Trail info from Bear Valley Website
Ride Stats:

length: 25 miles
time: 1:45:00
avg speed: 15 mph

This is a 25 mile loop, which starts at the Corral Meadow trailhead. The trailhead can be found about half a mile west of the Bear Valley town entrance. You'll know the trailhead by peeking off of Hwy 4 towards the north and you will see one of those National Forest trailhead signs. Actually you can also get there by turning into the "old subdivision", and take a left towards the west right away which turns into a dirt road and takes you to the trailhead. This latter method is only for motorcycles or mountain bikes... some boulders prevent 4 wheeled vehicles, including ATVs. Trucks and ATV's, please use the trailhead off of Hwy 4.

The trail takes you first to a peak at 7874 ft, Waypoint 1 on the map below. This spot gives you a nice view of the ski run Tigger, a black diamond run on the backside of Bear Valley Mountain Resort. You can continue on foot or mountain bike EAST from here, to Bear Valley Mountain Resort. This loop instead veers off to the east, to Waypoint 2, which provides a spectacular view at 8038 feet of the mountain ranges to the east and north. BTW, I passed a more or less stock jeep on the way to waypoint 1, so it's doable for a basic 4x4.

From here, you continue on to Corral Meadow area, though I didn't see any meadow at all. The trail all along has been a mixture of easy climbs to tricky segments with lots of basketball to larger sized rock in your way.

By the way, this trail is not marked well on the Garmin Topo West map. It does exist on the USGS Tamarack Quadrangle (purchased at nearby ranger stations). As I watched my handlebar mounted GPS, I was certain that this trail would take me to Salt Springs Reservoir, but the closest I got was 1.5 miles, on this trail.

As you continue on the way to Waypoint 3, you join USFS trail system 1A. This trail is actually a wide, flat fireroad, all the way back to Hwy 4. Some logging clearing/operations will mark your progress. Waypoint 3 is a red hunting cabin. Looks to me like it's open to the visitor who would come out this far. Very rough accommodations, not at all windproof, probably leaks alot. A wood stove inside, lots of firewood, and some supplies inside, cooking oil, small amount of water, pots/pans, matches will help you survive the night. There is an upstairs, so to speak, where the heat probably concentrates, and you could set up your sleeping bag there.
Two logs books, one full, the other half full, tell tales of visitors who stayed. Fire ring nearby, out house for when nature calls. If you come with food, there is a log strung up to hang your food out of bear reach.

Continuing on from here you join USFS road 7N09, which is even wider and flatter fire road. You'll probably start to see other off roaders, ATV'ers, etc. at this point. Eventually you exit the trail on Hwy 4, at the Cabbage Patch area. From here up to Bear Valley for a beer, it's about a 15min ride at speed.

Topo for reference
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Garmin GPS GPX file from OurBV Website - LINK - Sorry for the redirect - not sure how else to do this

Found the info after scrolling my way thru 15 pages of crapola:banghead:

We are Jeep..Resistance is futile..
Found the info after scrolling my way thru 15 pages of crapola:banghead:

We are Jeep..Resistance is futile..

haha i only got threw 5 or 6 pages before i got tired of all the crap and gave up. Thanks for the reply. just so everyone knows the seasonal winter road closure for Stanislaus National Forest is in effect, so most forest service roads in this area are illegal to drive on. 7N09 is only open to atvs it looks like from the SNFS. Might want to double check the route and make sure its legit. dont want to get caught and give us wheelers a bad wrap as we are already fighting an uphill battle with the NFS to keep trails open.

edit: the attached map is wrong btw, that is not in el dorado national forest. its in Stanislaus
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Whoever wants to lead should start a new thread with the info. It'll make it easier to read and get info. Just my two cents.
haha i only got threw 5 or 6 pages before i got tired of all the crap and gave up. Thanks for the reply. just so everyone knows the seasonal winter road closure for Stanislaus National Forest is in effect, so most forest service roads in this area are illegal to drive on. 7N09 is only open to atvs it looks like from the SNFS. Might want to double check the route and make sure its legit. dont want to get caught and give us wheelers a bad wrap as we are already fighting an uphill battle with the NFS to keep trails open.

edit: the attached map is wrong btw, that is not in el dorado national forest. its in Stanislaus

I honestly, truly hope this isnt true. We're going to have to go to plan G if this is true. I've got hotel stay that's non-refundable and my wife will hang me if it goes sour.

Whoever wants to lead should start a new thread with the info. It'll make it easier to read and get info. Just my two cents.

I agree with Overlander that we need a clear thread on this.
SNFS winter closure:

this is nothing new, happens every single year in all the national forests prone to erosion. the dates sometimes change in wet or dry years but generally its the same every year. this year they posted dec 15 to april 15th.

the route in the link mentioned earlier looks to be start out on fs road 17ev485 and goes from there. snap shot of SNFS map, notice the legend, all season trail outlined in gray including what looks to be the proposed rout

actual map
on the right of the actual map it lists some roads that are open and closed, however it does not make any mention of some of the propose routes. The legend of course says it is, so who knows. these roads could be fs roads that are maintained by the counties they are in, but only clear way to find out is contact the office. the national forest law enforcement officers where getting people left and right this year around my parts so i'd be careful with a group this large.
SNFS winter closure:

this is nothing new, happens every single year in all the national forests prone to erosion. the dates sometimes change in wet or dry years but generally its the same every year. this year they posted dec 15 to april 15th.

the route in the link mentioned earlier looks to be start out on fs road 17ev485 and goes from there. snap shot of SNFS map, notice the legend, all season trail outlined in gray including what looks to be the proposed rout

actual map


Looks to be right on the dot. I'm calling tomorrow.


Calaveras Ranger District

Map Front South (pdf 2.25mb)
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thats the only way to know for sure. there is that discrepancy in the map not listing that 17ev485 at all in the key on the right so i'll cross my fingers and hope for the best.

The only thing on that maq that's not crossed out is HWY-4............Not saying its going to happen but it's not looking good. However someone said there are ski locations. Maybe there are roads that can be taken?? There has to be something, even further north. I've made the commitment and now I'll have to follow through.


I was wrong about the refund on the room. Lets figure this out before I cancel.
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thats the only way to know for sure. there is that discrepancy in the map not listing that 17ev485 at all in the key on the right so i'll cross my fingers and hope for the best.

I agree. In fact all the roads listed on the map are not listed in the table. Calling tomorrow
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