MetalCloak Game-Change 2.5" Lift - 6-Pack Edition

Looks like he'll be ok now. He found a new friend to comfort him:

View attachment 181786

He was the one that started it here, talking about his penis size, moronic brain, liquid for 1.3 million, then talking about Eddie's minions and how he is catering to the venders.

I think there is a "fuck with way of life" starter pack cause it's the same shit each time one of these fuck tards come to start shit. And that's what his intention was to come and start shit cause he knew exactly what to say to get everyone on him for being an idiot.
When someone makes their first post on this site a "write up" of their expensive paper weights when they haven't even DRIVEN on them.

1. They are a troll
2. Someone might have put them up to it
3. They are looking to get hammered
4. They are a troll
5. See #1 and #4
When someone makes their first post on this site a "write up" of their expensive paper weights when they haven't even DRIVEN on them.

1. They are a troll
2. Someone might have put them up to it
3. They are looking to get hammered
4. They are a troll
5. See #1 and #4

I thought the dead giveaway was him talking about his penis size.
When someone makes their first post on this site a "write up" of their expensive paper weights when they haven't even DRIVEN on them.

1. They are a troll
2. Someone might have put them up to it
3. They are looking to get hammered
4. They are a troll
5. See #1 and #4

So true on all accounts. [emoji106]

And his "friend" on whatever other site it was is about as dumb as that guy. I thought Eddie gave a pretty good, non smart ass, response. The rest of us were just more unfiltered. Doesn't mean we were wrong though?
When someone makes their first post on this site a "write up" of their expensive paper weights when they haven't even DRIVEN on them.

1. They are a troll
2. Someone might have put them up to it
3. They are looking to get hammered
4. They are a troll
5. See #1 and #4

Hopefully, he ends up doing this....

image.jpeg "Word" :crazyeyes:
Oh its fine... No harm indeed. My brain works like an engineers brain. I am not college educated or anything matter a fact, I barely passed high school. Graduated with a 1.4 GPA.. Ohhra! .. My title does not have "engineering" in it at all to be honest. It should be baby sitter. Because that's all I truly do. I watch people, and help as needed.

I never said that I knew anything. I did on several occasions say that I came here to learn. I was met with "Your a fucking idiot". I am not sure who is more of a moron, the guy calling the other a moron, because he said he came here to learn, or the guy that came here to learn. It is what it is tho... This is your guys home, and you don't need me here.

This place reminds me of Pirate4x4... Again, Is what it is...


This is where I stopped reading my fellow small penis brother. 2 inches here. Any who I had the same understanding as you and several things limit travel and can bind so it's not just shocks. Guess everyone thought you had already known that.
I'm sorry, but you have already made it VERY clear that you are NOT a qualified engineer.

You MAY be "analytically minded". You may hold a job with "engineer" in the title. Hell, you may even have a formal degree in some aspect of engineering... none of that makes you an Engineer. Form your posts we are already positive you are not licensed, and I would bet heavily that you are not even designated EIT. Have you ever even heard of the FE exam?

Sorry if this is harsh, but it really chaps me that all these "engineers" first and formost can't/wont grasp simple concepts of mechanics (be you electrical/mechanical/civil/industiral/petroleum/chemical) it doesn't matter, the fact of the matter is guys like you always feel the need (and do infact) post "I am an engineer" as if that so how makes your lack of acceptance or acknowledgement in your own knowlege flaws some how acceptable...

A REAL Engineer KNOWS they don't know everything.

A REAL Engineer KNOWS what they KNOW, checks what they THINK, learns what they CAN, and MOST of all, accepts others advice/experience on things they DON'T know/understand. This is why you fail.

As an engineer, I love that last paragraph. I'm going to borrow that. :beer:
When someone makes their first post on this site a "write up" of their expensive paper weights when they haven't even DRIVEN on them.

1. They are a troll
2. Someone might have put them up to it
3. They are looking to get hammered
4. They are a troll
5. See #1 and #4

Im a firm believer in numbers 1, 4 & 5
As an engineer, I love that last paragraph. I'm going to borrow that. :beer:

The real ones around here are so far and few between every other swinging dick "engineer" it's rediculus. If someone is going to lie about their own profession, why is it always "engineering"? Why not be astronauts, or surgeons, or some other "well respected discipline" that isn't so OBVIOUSLY falsified by violating the Engineering Code of Ethics?

I can follow this flowchart. I too must be an Engineer.

No. No sorry I'm really not. Sorry for misleading you.

I'm just a lowly Cerebral Engineer (AKA I mind f**K people). :daydream::evil snicker:
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