Let’s See How Smoky it is Near You

We're safe where we're at. We're just getting hammered by the smoke. It's been in the hazardous range and unrelenting. We don't have AC so that's been making it tough. I think we'll be heading down south for a while to get out of this shit.
This would be a good time for an adventure trip to Arizona, where everything is now very green, the forests are open, and there is little smoke.
The (few) lakes are full and there is a lot of water during the floods. Luckily, a very productive monsoon this year, which helped stop a 47k acre fire from burning my house. The fire was only 5 miles away. We were lucky this time.
Regardless, the mountains of Arizona and western New Mexico are excellent to visit right now.
Winds finally gave us a brief break in the smoke but that also means it’s been whipping up the flames up in Tahoe. In fact, routes up the mountain have been closed and Carson City has become an evacuation center.

We're safe where we're at. We're just getting hammered by the smoke. It's been in the hazardous range and unrelenting. We don't have AC so that's been making it tough. I think we'll be heading down south for a while to get out of this shit.
You don't have AC? Thats a lot of smoke to be dealing with windows open, I have some friends out west that even with AC leave their furnace fan "on" and picked up some special furnace filters to catch the smoke and swear by them, might help if mother nature keeps throwing it your way.
We had favorable winds today.
First time in a long time we were able to open up some windows and enjoy the cooler air at night.
You don't have AC? Thats a lot of smoke to be dealing with windows open, I have some friends out west that even with AC leave their furnace fan "on" and picked up some special furnace filters to catch the smoke and swear by them, might help if mother nature keeps throwing it your way.
Nah, no AC. Never gets hot enough to need it and typically, all we need to do is open the windows over night to cool things off. Close the windows by day and it stays nice and at about 70 inside. Furnace fan is what I need to be running but currently, I have a dummy thermostat and it can only come on with the furnace. I'm looking to change this.
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