Another sort of similar super annoying thing around me... I live off of a long stretch of 55mph state highway that doesn't give many opportunities to pass, except for the occasional passing lane, which are few and far between. For some reason, everyone seems to mistake the passing lanes for speed zones. Example: get stuck behind someone going like 45mph, can't get around them; finally a passing lane appears, and boom, suddenly they're f'ing speed racer, going 70+; then sure enough, passing lane ends, and right back down to 45. See it almost every damn day, everyone does it (and to clarify, the speed limit does not increase in the passing lanes, it's still 55mph).
Another sort of similar super annoying thing around me... I live off of a long stretch of 55mph state highway that doesn't give many opportunities to pass, except for the occasional passing lane, which are few and far between. For some reason, everyone seems to mistake the passing lanes for speed zones. Example: get stuck behind someone going like 45mph, can't get around them; finally a passing lane appears, and boom, suddenly they're f'ing speed racer, going 70+; then sure enough, passing lane ends, and right back down to 45. See it almost every damn day, everyone does it (and to clarify, the speed limit does not increase in the passing lanes, it's still 55mph).
Same sort of thing around here. I liken it to opening a door for a dog and the dog goes from 0-60. In the end, people are just dumb animals… Happy New Year!😂
I can agree with all of the above...haha. When we picked up the new Jeep my wife spoke the first leg. She parked in the fast lane doing varying speeds from 65-75. I reminded her that we're not in CA and people actually used the left lane for passing. She promptly moved over. For the next 100 miles on I-84 she stayed in the right lane and passed slower moving vehicles then returned to the right lane. She thought it was the neatest thing since sliced bread. I said it's amazing how much nicer driving is when people drive like this isn't it...haha. She then asked when we're moving. I said not soon enough
Here's one. I'm driving in Vegas and surprise, I hit some traffic. In an effort to get around some of it, I pull into the fast lane and get behind a white Mercedes with California tags. As soon as I get behind it, the driver of the car immediately starts to slow down and enough so that I kind of get on her ass. Rolling my eyes, I think to myself, whatever. As the gap in front of her widens and everyone else starts to cruise by, I think to myself that I clearly made a mistake and just as I started looking for an opening to get around her, I notice the sunroof on the car open up and the bitch inside starts throwing trash out!! What in the actual fuck!! :mad:
Here's one. I'm driving in Vegas and surprise, I hit some traffic. In an effort to get around some of it, I pull into the fast lane and get behind a white Mercedes with California tags. As soon as I get behind it, the driver of the car immediately starts to slow down and enough so that I kind of get on her ass. Rolling my eyes, I think to myself, whatever. As the gap in front of her widens and everyone else starts to cruise by, I think to myself that I clearly made a mistake and just as I started looking for an opening to get around her, I notice the sunroof on the car open up and the bitch inside starts throwing trash out!! What in the actual fuck!! :mad:
She’s probably a nevada resident now. If not, you can have her. We no longer need her here in commiefornia.
Here's one. I'm driving in Vegas and surprise, I hit some traffic. In an effort to get around some of it, I pull into the fast lane and get behind a white Mercedes with California tags. As soon as I get behind it, the driver of the car immediately starts to slow down and enough so that I kind of get on her ass. Rolling my eyes, I think to myself, whatever. As the gap in front of her widens and everyone else starts to cruise by, I think to myself that I clearly made a mistake and just as I started looking for an opening to get around her, I notice the sunroof on the car open up and the bitch inside starts throwing trash out!! What in the actual fuck!! :mad:
Take a video and report her. Littering is up to a $5000 penalty.
Here's one. I'm driving in Vegas and surprise, I hit some traffic. In an effort to get around some of it, I pull into the fast lane and get behind a white Mercedes with California tags. As soon as I get behind it, the driver of the car immediately starts to slow down and enough so that I kind of get on her ass. Rolling my eyes, I think to myself, whatever. As the gap in front of her widens and everyone else starts to cruise by, I think to myself that I clearly made a mistake and just as I started looking for an opening to get around her, I notice the sunroof on the car open up and the bitch inside starts throwing trash out!! What in the actual fuck!! :mad:
Fucking people. She’s one of the reasons why California roads look like a dump.
Here's one. I'm driving in Vegas and surprise, I hit some traffic. In an effort to get around some of it, I pull into the fast lane and get behind a white Mercedes with California tags. As soon as I get behind it, the driver of the car immediately starts to slow down and enough so that I kind of get on her ass. Rolling my eyes, I think to myself, whatever. As the gap in front of her widens and everyone else starts to cruise by, I think to myself that I clearly made a mistake and just as I started looking for an opening to get around her, I notice the sunroof on the car open up and the bitch inside starts throwing trash out!! What in the actual fuck!! :mad:
Boils my blood... I see that Bullshit all the time.
That was one of the hardest adjustments moving back to the US from Europe is dealing with how people drive in the USA. I lived in Germany for 10 years and 20 years combined through Europe and I really miss the autobahns.
Can only hope these fuckers get caught with a litter fine one of these days. That’s if the CHP even cares to pull them over though…
Yeah, I don’t think those laws are enforced and the litter signs do nothing to stop trash from dumping their trash.
I'm surprised that nobody commented on it but in our previous video, you can clearly see me passing a TON of Californians who were all parked in the fast lane on the right.

I just don't know what it is about Californians and being so in love with the fast lane.
You had an awesome dad who gave you a cool childhood. That was one of your best videos.

The problem with Utah, people like to travel in wards. They pull up next to you on the freeway, like they’re sitting next to you in church to say “Welcome, Brother!” and stay for the whole service.

On the surface streets, they’ll polite you to death. At a four way stop, everybody is saying “No, no! YOU go first!”
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