
Left lane vigilantes... you know the ones. They're that one guy who insists on driving in the fast lane and refuses to move over being that they're doing the exact frickin speed limit and they have some kind of god given right to be there. Never mind that when the're next to a truck and pacing them, they effectively create an impassible WALL!!

I see your point. I tend to stay out of that lane. The 15 and 163 freeways here split so if I choose 163, I end up in the left lane but I work to get out of it and get to the slower lanes to the right. I drive 65 to 70 so I stay out of the left lanes.
Had a wonderful road trip for New Years until the drive home. Ran into 3 of these inconsiderate pricks. A special place in hell is reserved for them. My New Year's resolution was to be less of an asshole. I'll start tomorrow.

To the rest of you on the road, I hope you had a wonderful and uneventful New Year's travel day 🍺
Sounds like a personal problem, I never have issue in the fast lane with slow people.

Yes its because I don’t have enough power with the 3.8 and 37s to pass a damn moped but that’s besides the point😉
Passing lane in the Bay Area is irrelevant at this point.
I'm surprised that nobody commented on it but in our previous video, you can clearly see me passing a TON of Californians who were all parked in the fast lane on the right.

I just don't know what it is about Californians and being so in love with the fast lane.
I'm surprised that nobody commented on it but in our previous video, you can clearly see me passing a TON of Californians who were all parked in the fast lane on the right.

I just don't know what it is about Californians and being so in love with the fast lane.
It’s so annoying.
Yup, it's one of the things I hate most about driving in CA and these jack wads are so self-righteously determined to stay there.
My commute is like 45 miles. I swear I see the same people everyday driving in the fast lane and they always fly by me then I pass them in the slow. Just because it’s the fast land doesn’t mean it’s going faster. People are idiots. The drivers test should be every five years in California.
Utah is the fucking worst about this except…. It’s not just normal cars going 10 under in the fast lane it’s also the goddamn truck drivers. These fucking freeway tampons clog up the entire operation. And then… the regular left lane loafers are forced to move into all the other lanes so my commute will go something like this…

Going 73ish in the middle lane, pass someone going 70 like normal thinking that lane will be open only to have to slow down to 60 because some moron is going 65 only a few car lengths ahead… get passed by the guy I passed. Then I have to pass them on the right oh but I can’t because someone else is going 80 in the right lane so I have to wait until we pass the idiot going 60 in the fast lane… get up to pass the guy going 70 and OH MY GOD there is a semi going 58 in the fast lane. Rinse and repeat for the next 42 miles every damn day and then… do it again at 6:00 pm to go home.
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